Imagine you are kneeling in front of a bathtub, and it is filled to the brim with human shit. You're elbow-deep, fishing around in it because you heard there were half a dozen diamonds in this giant container of feces. This is what it would be like to sift through the glut of so-called power violence records that came out in the 90s: almost the entire genre is the worst kind of generic garbage, with a handful of releases rising to the top. Sounds like a waste of time, right? Not so fast: The good stuff is so, so good that it is better than almost anything ever recorded in any genre (if you have heard "Downsided" you know what I'm talking about). Fortunately for those of you who aren't as familiar with the genre as I (regrettably) am, we're here to help.
If you've ever felt like digging into power violence but don't know where to start, this is your download/shopping list. This isn't an MP3 blog, but all this stuff is easy to find on Google Blog Search.
Sarge, you fucking asshole/poser/hipster/homo, this isn't metal
First of all, I hate the term "power violence," but I'll use it because I can't think of anything better and it gets the point across.
I know how angry it makes you jerks when I post about anything that isn't fucking Iron Maiden or whatever, so maybe you are getting butthurt about this post. Maybe you are thinking, "We don't want to read about these dumb hardcore bands from 15 years ago, we want to see pictures of Charlie Benante's spoon collection." If that's what you're thinking, I actually agree with you, and I would post them if I had any, but I don't. So you'll have to settle for this.
Anyway, a lot of people now think of this stuff as "old school hardcore," but it certainly wasn't seen that way at the time and probably shouldn't be now. Most of the people in the bands and running the labels were sleazy dudes with long hair, Slayer shirts, and meth habits- metal as shit! It's probably hard for any youngsters reading this to imagine it, but in 1992, it definitely wasn't cool to wear Slayer or Metallica shirts to hardcore shows. Hardcore kids have only been seriously jocking metal for maybe 5-7 years- Skullkrusher and I went to a Youth of Today reunion show in 1998 or so wearing Anthrax and King Diamond shirts; we got LOTS of funny looks.

Punk rock ruined power violence
The thing that turned power violence into such a sea of shit was when PC emo/punk kids started flocking to it around 1997 or so. Spazz is probably to blame for this, as well as Charles Bronson. Actually, it's not their fault they wrote really fun, accessible songs that suburban kids liked, but it definitely made the genre less scummy and dark than, say, Excruciating Terror and No Comment did. Also, they weren't completely fucked up scumbags like most of the people in the early bands, so they were much more approachable and kids could relate to them more.

Within a few short years, though, what was once a wretched hive of scum and villiany had become flooded with copycat bands and what Nate from Creation Is Crucifixion once called "Locust wizards." It was completely ruined for me at that point. Instead of a bunch of fucked up losers who started bands because they hated life and didn't know what else to do with themselves, it became choked with uptight No Fun Club types who wanted to save the world and write songs about being vegan or the plight of native farmers in Antarctica.

There were way too many rules and it just got too close to the whole Ebullition/MRR scene for me. Too many assholes with spock haircuts and Swing Kids shirts, not enough alcoholics who worked at gas stations and listened to Ozzy. It was getting way too punk, and I mostly hate punk, especially the extremely dogmatic, shrill kind that was predominant in the late 90s. I got into this shit in the first place because the bands didn't give a fuck about the rules or being the next Noam Chomsky, so I was lost.

Where are they now: Dan from Spazz (right) is focusing on the hip-hop stuff he's been doing since forever as DJ Eons when he's not working as a Matisyahu impersonator.
The gems
When it comes to this genre, you really need to know what specific releases are good. Most of the bands were very inconsistent because they blew what little money they had on drugs, so what you often find is a very hit-and-miss catalog- you can't just pick a band and buy all their records, unless you want to end up with a bunch of crap. Here are the handful of records I consider mandatory. If you know the genre, none of them are surprises, but I'm not trying to impress anyone with my knowledge of the obscure.

This was one of the few good power violence records from a non-California band, and really came out of nowhere. Hailing from Cleveland, these guys were fucking pissed in a way that was different than the West Coast but no less brutal. They changed tempos on a dime just like the West Coast bands, but their slow parts had a downtuned, sludgy feel that added something new to the mix- I always thought they sounded like Infest meets Bloodlet, if such a thing is possible.
The first song on this record, "Mutilation," is absolutely punishing. I still don't think anybody's exactly duplicated it. They re-recorded it for their split with Agoraphobic Nosebleed, but the version on this 7" is much better if for no other reason than it includes what is one of the best samples of all time. It's been a long time since they told me the story behind the answering machine message they sampled, but as I recall it is something like this: Their original drummer, Ron, was banging some girl who dumped him. Ron was calling up her new boyfriend (who I guess was like 18) and threatening him relentlessly. Eventually the poor kid's dad caught wind of it and called Ron, leaving the message that you hear on the record.
Also, I once went to this crappy chain Mexican restaurant called Chi-Chi's with A213's singer, Steve, and his then-wife. As we were saying goodbye, he turned to his wife and said, "You better hurry home, that chimichanga didn't sit too well with me. The toilet's gonna look like the inside of an empty peanut butter jar when I'm done with it." He's a classy guy like that.

Looking back, Despise You and No Comment are the two bands from this era that I listen to the most, probably because they have similarly bleak takes on life. Despise You also takes the cake as the most consistent band of the genre: all their releases are A+ material, in contrast to a band like Capitalist Casualties who has a LOT of crap in their catalog. Usually it's not so much bad songwriting that ruins their records, but awful production.
The other thing is that I appreciate DY even more as I get older, probably because I also get more bitter, jaded, angry and disappointed in myself. DY's singer, Chris Elder, also ran the label Pessimiser, and put out several 16 records in the 90s (check out our interview with them, I think it is pretty great). I've known Chris since I was about 15, and I think I was 18 or 19 when he sent me "Blaze of Incompetence" to review for my old zine. I certainly liked it, but mostly only because it sounded like Fudge Tunnel. I definitely didn't "get it." A couple years ago, I rediscovered that album. With 10 more years of shattered dreams, disappointments, heartbreak, and living around angry poor people under my belt, I "got it" much more than I wish I did. Instead of just rocking out to the riffs, I alternate between crying and punching the wall, in keeping with the "angry surrender" spirit of their lyrics. I called Chris and told him the above, and he just said, "Heh. Yeah dude... now you get it."
"Puppet" has all the pieces that make DY such a sick band: Blasts on the china, lyrics that makes you want to stick your head in the oven, and a breakdown suitable for moshing holes in the walls.
Along with me, Max from Spazz, and occasional MI contributor Awakening, Chris was one of the handful of people in the mid 90s who were into No Comment, Meat Shits, and Phobia as well as Abnegation, Raid, and Mayday. Crossing genre boundaries like that was definitely NOT common back then, so I was super stoked that they didn't give a fuck and just listened to whatever they liked. That's why I was extra bummed when they No Fun Club started listening to this shit and trying to enforce their rulebook.
Here's a pretty good, new interview with Chris.

J/K LOL! This record is so bad it's like something I would have made up in 1994 as a sarcastic joke.
I like MITB just fine, but I don't worship them like all the proto-beardos did/do. They have their moments, but are pretty inconsistent, especially when they got into the noise shit (a complete waste of vinyl if you ask me). This is their finest release by far in my opinion, with songs like "Snake Apartment" and "Screwdriver In The Urethra Of Tomas Lenz." The people who were way into MITB were/are usually weird, annoying people with poor social skills and bad hygiene... just like the band! I interviewed Eric Wood when I was 15 or 16 for my zine and was very, very confused. He reminded me more of my parents' burned out hippie friends who did too many drugs than someone who would be in a hardcore band. He didn't even like Youth Of Today, WTF! Here's a newer interview with him from Vice of all places; he seems as weird as ever.
"Instantly Bent" is a long, sludgy intro riff followed by what sounds like an out-of-context sample from a jazz song, like if you took 2 seconds from the end of a Jack Dejohnette solo and looped it a few times.
Someone once described this to me as, "It sounds like he's having a tantrum." Pretty accurate!
I like this song because the snare sounds like a sprinkler when he plays the fills.
Crossed Out were legends for good reason, essentially picking up where Infest left off and making it even more pissed off. In the same way as No Comment was the bleakest band, Crossed Out was the most angry. They didn't really last long or hang out much, so I don't have any funny stories about them, sorry. Their 7" is also excellent, but the basement-level "we recorded this in 45 minutes on my sister's old Fischer-Price tape recorder" production on this record makes it a little better for me. This kind of music is almost always better with shitty production.

This is the soundtrack to having the fucking gun in your mouth, razor at your wrist, or rope around your neck. It's also arguably the best hardcore record ever made, no joke. Think of it as the desperation and despair of Black Flag "Damaged" with the pacing of early Napalm Death.
Here are about half the songs on this 7". Have a phone handy with the suicide hotline on speed dial, this shit makes Neglect sound like New Found Glory.

I don't really know what to say about this other than what I did already... I've consistently listened to this record for 15 or so years and it still gives me chills. Nothing else quite captures the feeling of being at the absolute bottom... Nice attention to detail in the packaging, too: the lyric sheet folded out into a 2x3' poster of a slit wrist, and the inscription on the matrix was "Do dilaudid, flip your lid" on one side and "Quitarte sus problemas con Vicodin" on the other (which means "solve your problems with Vicodin" in Spanish). Like I wrote about the other week with regretcore, it's clear that this record was made by people with legit, crushing dysfunction, not angsty teenagers.
Definitely check out this interview with Brent for more background.

This was one of the first super DIY records I ever bought, back in 1991 I think? I bought this, MDC "Millions of Dead Cops" LP and No Comment "Common Senseless" 7"- not a bad way to start, right?? Speaking of unpunk shirts, I remember being extremely puzzled by Mike's Slayer shirt in the pictures on the lyric sheet. "WTF," I said to myself, "I thought these guys were punk?! You can't wear a Slayer shirt if you're punk! That's like petting the cat backwards, it's just not done!"
This is actually from the "Raised Ignorant" 7", which I don't really like, but this song is one of CC's best. Really brutal both lyrically and musically.
Unlike most of the other records I've talked about in this post, this is pretty much a straightforward hardcore 7". As many have said before, it's just the next evolution of first DRI LP: no frills hardcore from a bunch of pissed off kids that doesn't claim to be anything other than that. While they've evolved the formula a little, you can see that they're firmly rooted in 80s hardcore when you see song titles like "My Dad Kills For The USA" and "Nuclear National Park." What's next, "Honey, I Moshed The Kids"? "Crass Ventura, Punk Detective"??
Their split with MDC is another one of my favorite releases, as well as the tracks from "Bleearrrrrgggghhhh."

I'm guessing that many of you are already familiar with Spazz, but if you aren't, you definitely want to check them out. They started in 1992 or 93, basically the first of the second wave of power violence bands, and had members from a strange variety of bands: Sheep Squeeze, Plutocracy and Stikky. Chris Dodge was also in a very early incarnation of No Use For A Name and worked at Fat Wreck Chords for years, which I always thought was pretty funny since it was definitely "against the rules" to like both Fat bands and power violence.

Many people will disagree, but I think the best Spazz material by far is the early stuff, like pre-"La Revancha." After that they started sounding a lot more, for lack of a better word, "hardcore," like Straight Ahead or something. The earlier material is more pissed and slightly grindy, which is probably why all the suburban emo kids like the later stuff better.
One of their best songs, "Loach." I have no idea what it's about.
"Hairfarmer" is about how Max Ward had a giant, curly mop when he was in Plutocracy. The second part is about this guy Rob Beckstrom's son, also named Max. Rob started going bald early, hence "Max Jr flowing on top, growing more hair than his pop." As an aside, if you know anything about 90s Bay Area graffiti, it's pretty funny that both Rob and Dan from Spazz were early members of US. If you happen to know Rob, I lost touch with him a while ago but it would be cool to hear from him again!
Here are a few funny Spazz memories:
- Max was briefly in the Meat Shits with Kindred from No Less/Plutocracy, and someone asked him to sign the record he played on for a joke. I think he wrote something like, "Fuck you, Robert Deathrage is a nazi."
- Going to Gilman with Max when I was 17 or something in his dad's Acura Legend. I was holding his snare on my lap and he said "Dude be careful, if you scratch the leather my parents will be super pissed.
- Shopping for Mecca and Wu Wear gear at some wigger store in Cleveland with Dan

These two compilations are absolutely mandatory, especially if you want to get the sleazy, scummy Southern California take on things. Maybe I'm imagining things, but I feel like not enough people are into these records. I mean, people definitely still jock MITB, but when was the last time you heard some brainded crust punk say, "Bro, fucking Iabhorher, bro... that song is fuckin hella mass tight bro!!" They definitely aren't checking out Meat Shits, the Fear Factory demo track, Crom, or any of the other great shit on these comps, either. If you haven't given these a listen lately, you probably should. Vols 3 and 4 were OK, but by then it had been diluted by the copycat bands who just ripped off Charles Bronson and didn't listen to Gut or Malicious Hate.
If only all Excruciating Terror records were like this: The filthy production of the 7", with the "polished" songwriting of the LPs. Probably their best song.
Featuring Municpal Waste/Discordance Axis/Black Army Jacket drummer Dave Witte, Iabhorher definitely got overlooked. I think this might be the best song on all of the Cry Now comps, and their 7" on Slap A Ham was equally crushing.
Crom is simultaneously the most brilliant and most retarded band of all time. Long before Max from Spazz started the trend of jocking Hirax, Crom's mind-blowing cover of "Hate Fear And Power" appeared on "Cry Now, Cry Later." I can't believe they managed to make a band as fucking awful as Hirax sound this good!
Malicious Hate is a perfect example of an "Honorable Mention" band, especially this song that was on that weird 8" comp that came out on Ax/Ction (I can't remember the name of it).
Honorable Mention & Stuff I Forgot
There are lots of other bands that were interesting and worth digging up if you're really into it: Stapled Shut, Agents of Satan/Radioactive Lunch, Plutocracy/No Less, Benumb, and other random shit like Avulsion, the one and only Bludgeon song ever recorded, or Noothgrush. But then I would have to start mentioning bands like Black Army Jacket and Praparation H, and nobody wants THAT to happen!! I'm sure the comments will have some good suggestions and/or things I should have mentioned but forgot to.
i have that agathocles/psycho 7". yeah it sucks
ReplyDeleteand the weird 8" comp was Audio Espionage. i think charlie infection still has unsold copies he's trying to get rid of
ReplyDeleteMan, i owned almost every diamond you mentioned. I feel all warm and ligit. East bay coalition. Doom ryderz. Redwood city. In any case, lord ballzak from agents of satan and deadbodieseverywhere is a total jerk, and super fun to hang out with. You should try to interview the old power violence folks that aint dead or in prison yet.
ReplyDeletefor better or worse, I'm too young for this shit but I do enjoy monster x for the vox! too "punk" prob...
ReplyDeleteas i remember, the line between PWV and grind was pretty thin in those days, ie, a metal dude will say one band is grind, while a punk dude will say the same joint is PWV. anyways, im thinking of: Gride, vulgar pigeons, earlier Votsek, Palatka.
ReplyDeleteExcruciating Terror was power violence? I always thought they played grindcore.
ReplyDeleteFucking awesome post, remember listening to west side horizons and the cry now cry later comps during a paticularly low point in my life have no idea how i came out the other side. Im pretty sure that iabhorher track was later re-recorded by cattlepress but it definately lost that scum bag vibe. The cattlepress song on there was awesome too thinking about it, and i hate to be the demo guy but why the hell couldnt all fear factory songs sound like that!
ReplyDeleteI know shit about power-violence, punk, hardcore or any of that, but this post had me choking with laughter. Will defo check some of these out
ReplyDeleteThe No Comment songs you have unploaded are GREAT. Thank you. I´ve never heard of them before.
ReplyDeleteSee, now you're speaking directly to me. I LOVED Iabhorher, and the Black Army Jacket / Noothgrush split 7" is something I still listen to probably way more than I should.
ReplyDeleteThere were some good bands from Florida, too, though it was a little later than the 1st wave of this stuff. I'm talking about things like Cavity, Scrog and Assück.
I recently posted something about Scrog here: http://2000things.blogspot.com/2009/09/scrog-sacred-masses-7.html
Good post!
Scrog haha! They turned into Omega Man, right? That CD was pretty sweet.
ReplyDeleteThis is the primer I needed when I was at this age.
ReplyDeleteI was already a MITB half-fan, but this trend hit was when I was wrapping up college and I was up to my eyeballs in debt, so I wasn't about buying a bunch of records or mail ordering anything... so I expected everything to sound like Excruciating Terror, but then I spent hard earned scratch on some Spazz and it sounded like shitty punk to me, so I just assumed I had misunderstood the entire genre and gave it a pass.
Someone send me an Iabhorer t-shirt. You aren't wearing it anymore.
I actually got a copy of Downsided from Cosmic Hearse (blogspot) if anyone else is looking to grab it. Thank you Aesop if you read here!
ReplyDeleteAlso an Infest album which isn't too bad.
But yeah, wtf with these new terms ("powerviolence") that come up 10 years later. Back in the day it was just called "really fast" punk or grindcore if the vox were growly...where's the line between DRI LP and and Spazz? I dunno.
"Power violence" is from the MITB song "HSMP," where he says "No Comment! Capitalist Casualties! Crossed Out! West coast power violence kick ass, let's fuckin go!" or something like that. Like straight edge, he didn't mean to coin a term that would live outside the song but there ya go.
ReplyDeleteFuck I love Apartment 213.
ReplyDeleteI saw Raid open for Scatterbrain. Also, in a weird twist Todd from Copout/His Hero is Gone made me a "power violence" tape in the early 90s since I said I liked fast stuff and I must have rewound "Hacked to Chunks" a lot on the Walkman.
ReplyDeleteSome of the late 90's stuff is pretty damned cool in my opinion, espcially the stuff from Japan, especially like Fuck on the Beach.
ReplyDeleteScrog did become Omega Man, or at least part of them. Did you have the Iabhorher 7" with the Clive Barker art?
ReplyDeleteI gotta find that shit. I know it's somewhere in my house...
I love this line from that Despise You interview:
ReplyDelete"DY: Skating and punk rock. They go hand in hand, you weren't into one and not the other. If you listened to DIO or PINK FLOYD you rode some stupid BMX bike and brushed your hair all day."
Amazing post.
I got all pumped at the beginning of this post, planning out the self-important comments I would make at it's end pointing out the bands you forgot to mention. But jeez man, you kind of "know your shit". Spending my formative years in Northern California in the mid-to-late 90's, I saw lots of these bands live (usually at Gilman) and consider myself pretty well-versed on the subject. Did you ever live on the West Coast? How do you know this stuff? What the fuck, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteOne complaint: Agents of Satan should have had a lengthy write-up all to themselves. Their one-armed, ski-masked singer Jason was a fucking anomaly (I'm pretty sure he's managed to stay out of prison, as well), and the AoS/No Less split was legendary. And what about the "Possessed To Skate" compilation?
Anyhow, keep up the good work, asshole.
Did you ever live on the West Coast? How do you know this stuff? What the fuck, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteHaha, yeah I grew up in Seattle and have a lot of family all over California so I spent lots of time there in the 90s. I was pretty into this scene in high school so as you can see I got to know it pretty well.
I met Jason from Agents once at that one famous skate shop in SF, was it called Supreme or something? I was with that guy Rob who Spazz wrote "Hairfarmer" about and Jason was kind of a dick as I recall.
PS Best Gilman memory ever: Driving 5 hours to see Dystopia/MITB/Christdriver in 97 or so, only to pass out drunk across the street and miss the entire show. Good times!
ReplyDeletePSS Not necessarily PWV, but anyone out there remember SKAVEN? Possibly the scummiest band EVAR.
no mention of Neanderthal (MITB+Infest members), Drop Dead, Ulcer or Failure Face?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I haven't completely retired from the music scene. I still write for Noisecreep.com and a bunch of other places. I think my favorite Black Army Jacket stuff we did was the unreleased Relapse Records EP that you can find on our discography disc.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting tidbit that I wanted to share. We were on a Slap A Ham compilation once with a band called Swiss Army Blanket but we never found out who it was. That shit made us laugh!
By the way, I remember someone telling me the singer from In/Humanity was a male stripper. Weird.
I remember someone telling me the singer from In/Humanity was a male stripper
ReplyDeleteHa! I doubt that's true, that dude (Chris) is hilarious and reallllly smart. He would def make something like that up AND be able to convince you it was true. His zine, SNIP, was one of the best things I've ever read.
Neanderthal (MITB+Infest members), Drop Dead, Ulcer or Failure Face?
ReplyDeleteWorth mentioning! Drop Dead = buttholes, Ulcer = DD ripoff, Failure Face = fucking awesome and should be honored!!
Chi-Chi's fried ice cream ftw.
ReplyDeleteDownsided is the best 7" ever... I got into all of this shit when it wasn't popular and still love it 15 - 16 years later. Right now No Comment and Despise You are the bands from then I listen to the most. Especially Despise You.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Thought I'd mention His Hero Is Gone, the Reality Vol. 2 comp (Despise You Suicidal cover!) and Fiesta Comes Alive comp...just for The Excruiating Terror song. Also Monkeybite zine, track it down if you can...
That Eric Wood interview is neat, but man...
ReplyDelete"Your discography is like the ultimate collector’s nightmare. What inspired that work ethic and level of output?
I can point immediately to two acts: Merzbow and Agathocles. Both pump out a high level of high quality."
It's cool that a band of scumbags had the self-awareness to name their band after the rat people from warhammer.
ReplyDeleteI noticed in the videos that this site has a new address.
ReplyDeleteCheers MI on outgrowing blogspot!
wow. good fucking post on a genre I've meant to check out but knew fuck all about. thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, glad it was helpful! No Comment and Despise You, bro...
ReplyDeleteI'm curious what your actual thoughts on The Locust are. They are definite No Fun Club members, but damned if I don't love pretty much everything they've put out.
ReplyDeleteI'm just a dumb ex-San Diego hipster though. I don't know shit.
Well I saw them in 93 or 94 with MITB when they were just called "Locust" and dressed like normal people. I hung out with the drummer for bit and he was super chill nice dude.
ReplyDeleteI never interacted with them personally other than that. Musically it doesn't do a lot for me (I need either slamz or autotune) but I get what they're trying to do. Their fans were fucking annoying.
We played a show with The Locust, Gasp, and Honeywell (at least, i think they also played) out here in California. I just remember The Locust having HOT chicks with them. Not the crusty, Profane Existence girls I was used to seeing at shows.
ReplyDeleteThe Skaven songs from the split with Dystopia were fucking killer!
ReplyDeleteReborn is the best Cap casualties song. on a split but can't remember the other band. That shit got me hooked. They were so much better before Max on drums.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if it qualifies as power violence, but the Ottawa half of the ottawa/jihad split is still very satisfying to listen to today. i think they were members of an emo band called indian summer(?). maybe that makes them posers but that record is damn good.
awesome post. i'm going to have to go home and make a mix of my old 7"s.
enjoyed the gehenna/apt. 213 split.
ReplyDeleteThe Gehenna songs on that record are rad, filthy as fuck!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I love this stuff. Asshole Parade and the 1st Fuck on the Beach 7" are really rad. Despise You, Infest and Crossed Out are the kings.
ReplyDeleteSarge, im sure you hated my band (mk-ultra), but we played with a lot of these bands. JP from Locust was a tool. I cant stand that poseur band.
Dan from Spazz did a really rad hip-hop project called Shed Dwellas. They released a 12" ep that was really awesome.
Ha, you were in MK Ultra?! You guys were good- like you said not exactly my scene, but good at what you did and seemed like cool dudes. I talked to that guy Frank a few times (which might be you!), he was funny. Didn't he have a job like refueling airplanes or something back then?? (96-97) I remember joking with him about airplane gas.
ReplyDeleteI knew Mark McCoy fairly well too, he was obviously super cool enough though tons of douchebag NFCers jocked him and his band, same with Ebro. Saw Bronson with fucking Hatebreed, Day Of Suffering and Race Traitor in Indianapolis once, weirdest fucking show!!!
Oh, and I had some Shed Dwellas tapes and a bunch of other mixes that Dan gave me but never got any vinyl.
ReplyDeleteHow about THREE WHEEL MOTION??! There's an obscure one for you! I have that demo somewhere, and MP3s also.
Sarge, ok now im impressed...how in the fuck do you know Frank? wow. Im great friends with Ebro and Mark (obviously Ebro was in MKU). BTW, I am Kirk, not Frank (thank satan). Frank never refueled airplanes. He probably lied to you.
ReplyDeleteYou want to talk weird shows...mk-ultra and bronson opened for Earth Crisis, Damnation AD and Guilt once. You should have seen the looks on their faces...
Well I don't really KNOW Frank, I just met him a couple of times back then at shows or whatever. This girl I was dating at the time was REAL into MK Ultra (the same girl who had her panties stolen by Mike Score from All Out War, if you read my 90s Hardcore post on Stuck In The Past haha). Between me, Carlos, Lucho, and Krusher and Awakening there are probably very, very few people in the 90s hardcore/power violence/whatever scene that we don't know since we spent like every fucking waking moment thinking about hardcore for a solid decade haha.
ReplyDeletemk-ultra and bronson opened for Earth Crisis, Damnation AD and Guilt once
ReplyDeleteThe irony being that the ExC dudes are like the nicest most approachable dudes ever, unlike all the PC Police dickbags that hated them.
yeah, i read your post about "panty stealing" which reminds me of a band called Inept from OH. Their singer was rambling on at one of their shows about how some creepvert "stole the panties" at some punk house they stayed at. Ironically their singer was gay. Ahhh....the PC 90's.
If you want the mk-ultra discography 2xLP that just came out on Youth Attack, email me your mailing address and Ill send you one. Its the least I can do since this blog has made me laugh 10000 times.
what about larm? you mentioned that one dude wears a larm shirt, but thats it?
ReplyDeleteNice post!
ReplyDeleteHere a podcast that has a pretty sweet power violence theme show.
It's show #56 btw.
He also has a six weeks record(#198)and sound pollution(#192) theme shows that cover a lot of this stuff.
yeah, i read your post about "panty stealing" which reminds me of a band called Inept from OH.
ReplyDeleteHa, I remember Scotty. I stayed at Legion a bunch of times, hung out with Mike Thorn, Adam Y. and all those other graffiti/emo kids (Wade, Matt Franco, etc). Fun times!
Holy shit, In/Humanity! I had completely forgotten about them...
ReplyDeleteAnyone got that I/H 7" with the checkered Vans on the cover, I forget what it was called and lost my copy at least a decade ago but I'd fucking KILL to have it again (even in mp3 form).
A quick story about the Locust: Saw them play at a little seafood restaurant/bar in Eureka around 2000(?), there were two redneck/jock dudes trying to start fights with everyone all night but not succeeding. At the end of the night, the Locust dudes were loading out and these jock dudes started making fun of their haircuts and tight pants and shit. All of the sudden, the Locust guys turned on them and beat the fucking shit out of them, like kicking them in the ribs on the ground and shit. Funny as hell to watch four art fag/emo kids kick the crap out of these big jock-type guys.
They were still toolbags, though (except their drummer).
PS Sarge: If you haven't seen it yet (and I bet you haven't), Jason aka Lord Ballsack has his own mp3 blog, focusing heavily on the whole AoS/hip-hop/grindcore/South Bay thing in the 90's. It is your new favorite.
ReplyDeletePatrick - That Skaven/Dystopia split ruined/ruled my life back in 97.
I actually have that Malicious Hate cd! I grew up in Muskegon, MI where they are also from - and played a bit with Chuck from Malicious Hate when I was just learning bass. We'd play something really simple and straightforward, and this other guy we were friends with would shred his balls off over the top of it, Yngwie Malmsteen style.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Chuck was purportedly on medication for schizophrenia; he was always pretty mellow, but quiet and distant in a slightly creepy way. Nice guy though.
My original point was that the "In the Name of Hate" cd had a 'hidden track' of drive-thru pranks and other shenanigans that I remember being absolutely hysterical. I'll have to dig out that album.
and the weird 8" comp was Audio Espionage. i think charlie infection still has unsold copies he's trying to get rid of
ReplyDeleteI forgot to thank you for posting this! That comp was ridic... he should have done more market research, I'm pretty sure demand has never been all that high for previously-released GONKULATOR tracks.
Some people are wondering the difference between powerviolence and grindcore. Powerviolence is fast and heavy like grind, but with less overt metal elements, spazzier songwriting, and more hardcore-like vocals, as opposed to straight cookie monster/puking.
ReplyDeleteCompare Infest vs. Napalm Death.
I've been meaning to get into Powerviolence for a while, thanks for the info. Also, I love the scene girl pics on the videos with loud, noisy powerviolence playing. Comic genius.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what are your thoughts on the title of Spazz's "The Egg on the Hirax Cover"? Yay, or Nay?
Isn't it kind of fucked up Sargent D? I have at least one gonkulator split 7" that just has tracks off the CD. you don't get to be a prolific underground band by cheating like that. I don't think AGx would even recycle album cuts
ReplyDeletep.s. i got everything malicious hate released. But I think I just liked a comp track :I
By the way, what are your thoughts on the title of Spazz's "The Egg on the Hirax Cover"? Yay, or Nay?
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome- at the time, that was a hilarious joke that nobody got. Hirax references didnt get played out until like 98.
Woah... my musical up-bringing has just been layed out bu MI. AWESOME job. The memories of shitty(and the occational amazing) distros lining the walls of The Wilson Center are now flooding my memory.
ReplyDeletesomeone said it,
ReplyDeletebut I'll say it again:
Ugh... all that crap is horrible. I'll be in my cellar wearing my cloak of isolation and listening to some Christ Beheaded.
ReplyDeleteCarlos, thanks for bringing up GASP!! I've been listening to Drome Triller a lot lately.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Suppression, lack of Interest and Palatka.
One thing you have to remember about all the bad horrible second rate power violence back in the day was that there was no internet so you sort of had to take what you could get. If you're starving for power violence on long island like i was the bad stuff was still pretty good.
yo carlos, i'm STILL waiting for the BAJ t-shirt i ordered from you when i was in high school!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Suppression, lack of Interest and Palatka.
ReplyDeleteMan that's EXACTLY the kind of stuff I'm talking about in the "bands that made me lose interest" category haha. Plataka, barf. GHB can correct me if I get the details wrong, but they had some retarded thing in an interview or whatever where they talked about hating themselves for looking at girls' asses. I had forgotten all about it until someone reminded me of it on a messageboard a while ago and I became instantly enraged.
Gene Hoglan...are you kidding? You really never got a shirt you ordered? Ouch! Can I send you a CD discography to make up for it?
ReplyDeletesarge D, "Drop Dead = buttholes".. explain? there's gotta be some good stories there, as i know nothing about the band other than their music. if they're buttholes, i would think that means you'd like them even more since you were singing the praises of powerviolence dudes being scumbags. not that dropdead were exactly PV.. more like really pissed off, stripped down early 80s hardcore influenced by negative approach and SSD, but they fit into the PW category well enough... they did a split with Crossed Out at least.
ReplyDeletei has that Cypress Hill shirt. long sleeve...no doubt!
ReplyDeleteps: scotty from inept was a rad guy...in spite of his mighty mighty bostones tattoo
ReplyDeleteOuch, thats harsh man.
ReplyDeleteWhy hasn't Downsided been re-relesed? I know it came out on the No Comment discograpy, but a proper repress of the 7" is due...
ReplyDeleteMy personal favorite offshoot of powerviolence was when labels like Satans Pimp and Bovine started releasing records that got real warped, and they ditched the hardcore references all together. I'm thinking Gob, Designer, Iabhorher, you know, that shit.
ReplyDeleteIt was a simpler time when Spazz and Floor could do a split 7" and it made complete sense. Those were the days.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! i totally forgot that Scotty had a Bosstones tat! WOW!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletescotty recently got his skinhead tat touched up...that made me happy.
ReplyDeleteinept was the first basement show I was at in 97...with Karageenan, a powerviolence band from pickerington with shirts that had an upside down adidas logo and "death to homey-core" on it. classic.
anyone heard deliver me?
wait that dude from lamb of god used to be in Burn The Priest right?
no hellnation on this post?
mk-ultra played with karageenan and deliver me. ive heard of them.
ReplyDeleteyes lamb of knob used to be burn the (judas) priest.
yeah i know it's hard to accept, but LOG is the same band as BTP, maybe missing one member.
ReplyDeleteoh I used to pretend to like this stuff but I did not listen to it home, just went to shows... i drew the line at the locust - I saw where that was going. I definitely don't like any of it now, not assuck, not spazz, nothing
ReplyDeletewho remembers the article about The Locust ruining hardcore for fat people? sounds dumb as shit but it was a serious article/interview and actually quite well written..
Karageenan, a powerviolence band from pickerington with shirts that had an upside down adidas logo and "death to homey-core" on it
ReplyDeleteI remember them. Good band and cool kids!
CarlosRamirez said...
ReplyDeleteGene Hoglan...are you kidding? You really never got a shirt you ordered? Ouch! Can I send you a CD discography to make up for it?
September 24, 2009 1:24 PM
totally serious! you stole my hard-earned teenage dollars, you bastard!
A mention of the Reality comps I think is warranted here as well. Quality shit.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Chris's band, Ancient Chinese Secret. This takes me back...
I'm curious to see what everyone thinks about Magrudergrind and the whole beard-ster thing that's coalesced around the "This Comp KIlls Fascists" cd
ReplyDeletethe whole beard-ster thing that's coalesced around the "This Comp KIlls Fascists" cd
ReplyDeleteI don't know what that is but it sounds like exactly the fucking opposite of something I would like: self-important punk rockers who think they're going to save the world with their shitty band getting up on their high horse about an issue that hasn't been relevant since, er, the 1940s.
Black Army Jacket is not and never will be a powerviolence band. Andrew Orlando was always such a poseur anyways....Monkeybite fanzine...what a joke. he jocked everyone from the West Coast. First Wave P.V.er
ReplyDeleteSgt D must've been one clueless metal kid glomming onto the worst trends in hardcore 15 years ago, too bad he got very little of it right.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, an entertaining enough post about some late '80s-early '90s grind and hardcore bands, about three of whom could actually have been called "power violence".
ID agree the first two crynow crylater's were the shit..but i guess alot of folks kinda moved on after the california bands started to split up so we never had 3+4..
ReplyDeleteNO COMMENT and CROSSED OUT were the best and i need to bust out their discos. SPAZZ were kinda the posterboys but chris was super cool and i loved his label.MITB carved their own niche and sound but yeah...hippies.
DROP DEAD were super hard aNd have a classic record...pc snots..
the only thing i saw you may have missed was the "fiesta del grande"1+2 vinyl...supersweet all of em in one place
CAP CAS and ASSUCK were so punk they were beyond that scene i felt.
and i always liked LACK OF INTEREST
"Power violence" is from the MITB song "HSMP," where he says "No Comment! Capitalist Casualties! Crossed Out! West coast power violence kick ass, let's fuckin go!" or something like that. Like straight edge, he didn't mean to coin a term that would live outside the song but there ya go.
ReplyDeleteAnd to this date, he still says the same thing - http://www.vimeo.com/4322477
I'm a long time reader, but your Hirax comment hurt my feelings. I like Hirax! :'(
You should really check out the magrudergrind s/t man, I think you'd dig it. Really thrashy grindcore with sweet samples and a sense of hunour.
ReplyDeleteGeez, what a post. The NEANDERTHAL 7" is the perfect example of power violence. Ever. In the link to the Vice interview with Wood he even says Domino coined the phrase during those very sessions.
ReplyDeleteAnd it is the WEST BAY Koalition. A response to the "This is hardcore not West Bay" comp that came out in the early 90's.
And I was never on US and was only down with a couple fools on that crew.
625 / UM / Doomryderz / Gurp City
And I've never owned any Mecca or Wu Wear. I was a big Lo fan back then tho.
ReplyDeleteI'm the guy that asked Max to sign the Meat Shits 7". Amazing to see what I thought my own stupid personal heavy metal memory mentioned in your blog. My moment of fame; wow. Where did you hear that story?
ReplyDeleteSoooo, the record was the Genital Infection 7" and Max wrote on it "Meat Shits can suck it. Robert Deathrage is a Nazi. No joke. Hirax Max". No "fuck you" or anything directly insulting to me.
When I asked Max to sign it I half apologized because I'd heard he was trying to distance himself from his Meat Shits days and I felt like I was being a jerk (which I suppose I was) dredging up his porno related past in the, at the time, very PC scene, but Max just said "No, no; if this is what you're into..." So even if he wasn't happy about signing the record, at least he was cordial about it.
By the way, all three of the Plutocracy guys were in the Meat Shits. On the band photo of Fuck Frenzy Robert Deathrage and the other non-Pluto guy look like violent child molesters and way older than the Pluto guys; my friend and I used to joke that Robert actually kidnapped Plutocracy, molested them, and forced them to be in his band. One of them even has black eyes to top it all off.
that's the most accurate description of that photo possible
ReplyDeleteDan, thanks for posting those corrections! You may not have actually BOUGHT any Mecca or Wu Wear gear but I definitely remember you were looking at it when we were there!
ReplyDeleteAnd amazing description of the Meatshits 7" signing!! I won't say how I heard that story because it might say too much about who I am.
Hey, if anyone wants to read a "power-violence" related 'zine from 1997 (Monkeybite #1), I just posted it here: http://2000things.blogspot.com/2009/10/monkeyite-1.html
ReplyDeleteI'm selling a bunch of 90s powerviolence grindcore records. email me at roachmill 43 at yahoo for a list
ReplyDeletei saw mention of THREE WHEEL MOTION demo mp3 tracks. someone needs to up those, like, right now.
ReplyDeletehit me up
Hey dude, you complain repeatedly about when emo kids get into things... this would indicate you don't like them, perhaps? Why the fuck do ALL of your videos feature whorish dumbfuck scene kids in the background in that case?
ReplyDeleteJust asking, is all
I grew up on this shit. I remember when lame dudes like the guys in Daughters got into it. Really burned the scene down for me. I went from grunge to hardcore punk to this in about a six month time period. I'd chime in with the requisite "d00d wtf Excruciating Terror are grind not powerviolence" but fuck that shit.
initially powerviolence in almost all aspects was metal.
ReplyDeletehhhhmmm using heavy metal scales, constantly changing segments, straight up metal riffs but with powerchords over them makin it even more intense, blast beats, the only non metal things were the form of the progressions within the scales and the constantly changing tempo.
I love your blog. So much useful information. Thank you very very much.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff in here
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ReplyDeleteStinkweed from Plutocracy was in jail either for selling meth, or the sword made of a broken window and duct tape that they found on his probation check. He's out again. Pluto played last night.
ReplyDeletesomeone took the working class out of powerviolence.
ReplyDeletelack of interest's side on their
ReplyDeletesplit with spazz is really really good too
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Suffering Luna! Gasp! No Le$$!
ReplyDeleteNot every PowerViolence band sounded the same, fucktards!
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ReplyDeleteI don't really like this kind of music, but each to their own, right?
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The cattlepress song on there was awesome too thinking about it, and i hate to be the demo guy but why the hell couldnt all fear factory songs sound like that!
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ReplyDeleteIn defense of our persons and properties under actual violation, we took up arms. When that violence shall be removed, when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, hostilities shall cease on our part also.
ReplyDeleteYou have some shitist of the shit on here. We might be hard core but would not take every crap though.
ReplyDeleteReally great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI also grew up in the Seattle area (suburbs) and was heavily into PV/hardcore/grind music, although I never really got "in" with the scene...I was at Singles Going Steady every weekend in the late 90s as a 16 yr old blowing my cash on every crappy grindcore/crust/power violence 7" split I could get my hands on. I've lost all my records over the years, but I owned pretty damn near everything mentioned in your post and in the comments, including the ones you hate(Suppression etc...) I wonder if we've ever crossed paths?
ReplyDeleteOne time Max from Spazz took a photo of my friend's Benumb tattoo at a Discordance Axis/Capitalist Casualties show and was highly amused.
ReplyDelete"90s power violence: A handful of diamonds in a sea of shit"
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