Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Roadie for a day
Video via reader Omar
Friday, December 2, 2011
Are you or a loved one drifting toward satanism?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Where would Chris Barnes buy a used Porsche?
(video via Mr Gene Hoglan's Balls)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Metal Inquisition Archives: Cassettes

Anthrax Among The Living cassette, circa 1989. All writing done by my brother, except for the band logo and album name at the bottom left, which I did. Notice the droopy, downward pointing letters in the name of the album up top. A foreshadowing of where the band's career was headed, and how quickly Scott Ian would become so sad that we'd all feel bad when laughing at him. This was cassette #29 in our collection.

#13 in the collection, this tape probably dates to early 1990 or so. At some point we re-numbered the collection, which explains its lower number. Also, Side B was dubbed much later.
On side A, we have Colombian masters Kraken (see video below). Side B features Voivod's Nothingface. Next to the band's name, the name "Aaron" denotes who this was dubbed from. Aaron was a friend from the Dominican Republic. Aaron appeared to be in denial of the fact that he was black, and often made racist comments that left us all bewildered. He loved Glenn Danzig and once proudly (and very loudly) announced the following to my brother in the middle of class: "My mom said I could relax my hair and grow out my sideburns!"
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Cleaning out the Metal Inquisition Archives
First up, Barney from Napalm Death showing he's got mad skillz on the mic:
This next one came from one of the many Betamax tapes that are currently housed in the Metal Inquisitions library (a shelf in my basement). It features Kirk Hammet's mustache, and other members of Metallica circa 1991 talking about their new stage set up, and how revolutionary it was. It's as though they invented the cure for polio.
Lastly, we have German (Update: I guess they are actually Swiss. I'm a poser) thrashers Coroner, talking about how innovative their music was, and then telling us super hilarious stories about how "incredibly bizarre" their bus driver is. Hold on to your hats folks, this story is absolutely zany!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Roger from accounts payable having a great time at a Manowar show
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bobby Rock says: intensity is the name of the game when playing for rivetheads
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Greatest version of Venom's "Black Metal" ever played
Monday, May 23, 2011
And yet another spin-off...

Like Sgt D.’s infamous “Stuff You Will Hate” and also Cycling Inquisition from Klaus, there’s a new outlet to drain your time to: Cryogenic Husk - A site that explores the art of the “mixtape”. That is, songs, when compiled, organized and grouped together as a whole, take on a new (art)form in and of itself. Mixes featured here cover a wide variety of genres, themes, moods and topics – all aimed at the discovery, escapism, education/documentation, and creation of grouped music and features many musicians, bloggers and industry "experts" unique mixes.
New mixes are posted weekly, so check back often, or better yet, bookmark us or add us to your RSS feed (or just tune in via twitter (www.twitter.com/cryogenichusk) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/cryogenichusk if that's easier)

Anyway, Sgt. D has made his love for Easycore outspoken in the past and went so far as to lend his time to provide a mix that serves as a gateway for the standard metalhead to check out. Read it here, it's a killer entry point for those into metal and something I'm sure Metal Inquisition readers will dig.
There's also a recent Napalm Death mix that's focused on "Suffer The Children". Feel free to browse around, comment and whatnot. Thanks and Cheers!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Air drumming, a true story.
"Wait, I didn't know you played the drums!"
It was then that he answered in a way that only he could. He answered with a phrase that is still ringing in my head after all these years. Without any sense of irony, or seeing how this was insanely funny for an adult to be saying, he simply stated,
"I don't play, I just have those so I can air drum."
Here was an adult, a grown man, telling me that he would air drum to entire records, and did so sitting on the edge of his bed, and with drumsticks. My mind was blown. It's with that story in mind that I offer you this video.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
***NEWS FLASH*** Exodus and Kreator are, in fact, the same band!