Since Century Media acquired a controlling interest in Metal Inquisition last month, it's been nothing but red tape and hassles (read their press release for more details). For example, I spent the majority of this week in orientation meetings with various stakeholders to exchange information on market research, our capital structure, and so forth. In particular, our two-day summit on developing trends in wiggerish arm movements was eyeopening: I realized I had a shocking lack of information on what Kids These Days call deathcore. After a scolding from our CMO, I did what I do best: learning about things that make me angry and confused, then reporting back to our readers.
Abnegation: arguably the first hardcore band to play legit metal? Either way, all I can think about is licking Dave Steele's sweaty chest, I don't know why!
Sarge, I am already getting confused and angry. WTF is deathcore?
Basically, deathcore is hardcore kids playing death metal (or trying to). The current deathcore poster children include Suicide Silence, Winds of Plague, Job For A Cowboy, and Bring Me The Horizon. I will go into more detail below, but that's deathcore in a nutshell. The term deathcore isn't new. Back in the 90s people called Overcast and Bloodlet deathcore, but that really wasn't accurate. Bloodlet were heavy and dark as fuck, but their drummer/creative director Charlie's favorites were Helmet and Dave Matthews Band; he hated death metal. Back then, hardcore kids who liked Pyrexia as much as they liked Earth Crisis were a rare and elusive breed. For example, when I met Joey from Circle of Dead Children at some fucking horrible hardcore show in Akron, Ohio in 1997 I just about shit myself when I noticed his Hideous Mangleus shirt (if you know Joey, tell him to email me, he should know who I am if you show him this post).
Today, though, it basically goes without saying that all hardcore kids also like legit death metal. Fast forward 10 years or so from when I met Joey and you now have zillions of kids who like hardcore and death metal. Those zillions of kids are in the zillions of bands who make up the current deathcore scene. While there is a seemingly endless supply of deathcore bands, the way I see it they really fit into one of three flavors.

Flavor A: Dillinger Escape Plan covering Dissection
The most common flavor of deathcore is this wretched sub-genre. Like many kinds of metal, it's the product of angry nerds who channel their rage and alienation into music, retreating into their bedroom after getting stuffed into their locker at school by jocks. Normally that's what inspires kids to do something cool like start the next Black Flag or Devourment, but in this case the outcome is much less awesome: because these kids are suburban pussies in the "gifted" classes, they choose to show how much they hate their wretched existence by cramming as many notes as possible into a 4-minute song. I know, what the fuck? Worst form of teenage angst ever.
This band is called Here Comes The Kraken. More like "here comes the litany of recycled Gothenburg riffs" amirite?! Zing!
Like riff-salad-style death metal, there is nothing wrong with this stuff per se, there's just absolutely nothing right with it. The kids can all play their balls off, the recordings are surgically precise, and they've clearly studied every note of every At The Gates-inspired band ever (as Metal Sucks pointed out a while ago, they probably listen to Killswitch Engage, not ATG or Dissection themselves). I totally understand being into a particular genre and the conventions that go along with it- I am currently listening to Putrid Pile as I type this- but enough is enough! Hardcore kids have been jocking Swedeath for like 10+ fucking years now. It was dumb and played out then and it gets even more played out with every generation of entry-level moshers who think they are the shit because they can play a gay, major-key metalcore riff that sounds just like every other gay, major-key metalcore riff since "Slaughter of the Soul" came out.

I was trying to come up with a witty caption to write about Oceano, but then I pressed "play" on the video and promptly fell asleep.
Despite being so repetitive and dull that it makes Benediction sound positively electrifying, this shit is shockingly popular: Suicide Silence went to #32 on Billboard, Winds of Plague made #73 (Brokencyde beat them by making #68 LOL), and Bring Me The Horizon's video above has over 10 million views. Perhaps this is one of the few times where even Sergeant D is confused and angry about the latest developments in youth culture- although as our readers know, I am a big Winds of Plague fan so I'm stoked on that much at least.
Despised Icon incorporate many wigger slam elements into their take on riff-salad-style deathcore, making them my favorites in this category. Between his New Era hat (at a jaunty angle, of course) and the surprisingly legit slamz at :45, this video is very relevant to my interests!
As a teen, I craved blast beats like a tweaker fiending for his next bump. I was so hard up for blasts I would even stoop to listening to the occasional Rot or Anarchus 7"- that's the grindcore equivalent of a junkie shooting up in their dick because all the veins in their arms are collapsed. I never thought blast beats would be popular, and I definitely didn't think they could ever become boring. Clearly I am shitty at predicting the future, because today there are dozens of blast beat-laden deathcore bands who are not only popular, but also boring as fuck: Carnifex, Job For A Cowboy, Annotations Of An Autopsy, and zillions of others. I got so annoyed by these cookie-cutter assfaces I had to listen to some Human Rejection to cleanse my soul.

Flavor B: Korn covering Broken Hope
Hopefully you read that description and thought to yourself, "Holy fuck, I had never considered the nightmarish possibilities of such a combination and am strongly considering suiciding myself so I never have to." The good news is that you probably already know what to expect: EXTREMELY generic USDM fast parts mixed with open-string bounce parts tailor-made for crabwalking. Seven-string guitars are frequent purchases for the bros in these bands.
If you thought Korn-meets-Broken Hope wasn't enough of a shit sandwich, Impending Doom add a dose of Christianity. Makes me miss the good old days of moshing 4 Jesus with Unashamed, Focal Point and Overcome :(
This stuff is a great example of how things suck when they are "neither here nor there." What I mean is, this doesn't slam like slam metal, mosh like moshcore, or grind like grindcore, it just kinda does a half-assed, watered-down version of all those things. It doesn't even make me mad like the DEP-covering-Dissection stuff does, it's just really dull and hard to even remember hearing. I could definitely imagine it being on the soundtrack to some crappy Playstation combat racing game like Twisted Metal or something, and I would be like "Whoa, what's this song?!" the first time I heard it, then 20 seconds later I would be more like "Oh never mind, it's just some shitty nu-metal band trying to be 'authentic', it sounded good for a second there though."
This band Molotov Solution really couldn't be a better example of shitty nu-metal meets shitty death metal. I can imagine this being real popular with freestyle motocross and BMX kids from Riverside.
If you are interested in this flavor of deathcore for some bizarre reason, Whitechapel are also a good example. I think you would be better off just simultaneously playing Pantera and Kottonmouth Kings MP3s, though.
I Declare Goddess is a DISFIGURING THE GODDESS X I DECLARE WAR collabo, don't sleep on this shit!
Flavor C: Hatebreed playing Hemdale breakdowns
By now you are probably thinking, "This post says deathcore is only 99% worthless shit, but so far it's 100% by my count." I don't blame you, because I saved the best for last! Given my appreciation of wigger slam, moshcore, and goregrind, it should not be surprising that I love this flavor of deathcore. Because they play nothing but one downtuned mosh riff after the next, many of their songs end up sounding like a series of Hemdale's giant, sludgy breakdowns strung together. Sounds pretty fucking rad, right?! It is!
I am WAY into this band Demolisher. They seriously sound like nothing but Hemdale breakdowns with hardcore vocals over them, it's like my dream band come to life. Note the bro in front's ABACABB "Get Fucked" shirt; I want one!
Because they're drawing more from "core" than "death," this flavor of deathcore doesn't fall prey to fetishizing technique like lots of metal bands do. These bands have figured out something that their boring peers have not: nobody gives a fuck how awesome you are at playing guitar if your songs are boring and limper than Richard Simmons' dick at a titty bar.
I have been listening to ABACABB's new album nonstop this week, especially this song. Make sure you check out the breakdown at 1:30 with "GET FUCKED!" gang vocals. You're fuckin moshing!!!
Only fatties, shut-ins and pedos listen to Braindrill and Necrophagist. Awesome dudes like us moshbros just want put on some Air Max 90s, mosh our balls off to some X breakdowns X and bands like Suffokate, Recon, and Liferuiner are more than happy to oblige. I'm pretty stoked that it's 2009 and there are still bands who just want to see people hardcore 2-step and have a good time, not make the cover of Guitar Jizz magazine.
These 15 year olds are brutal as FUCK despite being called Jerome and barely having half a dozen pubes between them (and sweet Himsa shirt, Pettibone is literally old enough to be your dads!). The lyrics have that kind of disjointed, deranged quality that reminds me of Nuclear Death, which is a compliment I don't just hand out every day:
let em bleed
no legs fucking and no eyes to see
let me know when you die
so i can eat these bloody eyes
I , i'll let you know when i move on
to another one of your fucking limbs
i am so stuffed but your bones look yummy
let me finish you at once
let em bleed
no legs fucking and no eyes to see
let me know when you die
so i can eat these bloody eyes
I , i'll let you know when i move on
to another one of your fucking limbs
i am so stuffed but your bones look yummy
let me finish you at once
More than anything, this flavor just sounds like 90s moshcore if the bands had good production and actually knew how to play their instruments. I could totally imagine Jerome or Demolisher playing with Fall Silent, Gehenna, Unruh, and Enewetak at some 1995 San Diego or Reno hardcore show, for example. It makes me want to put on my camo shorts, All Out War hoodie, and go windmill some kids!
Monsters: Ho-lyyyyyyyyyyyyyy SHIT!
I'm super stoked I discovered these bands because it's like someone made a genre just for me: It combines the best of braindead moshcore with slam/brutal death metal and tops it off with super aggressive, deliberately ignorant lyrics that make you want to punch people in the face. If you would like to learn more, Youtube is full of X deathcore breakdown X videos, but most of them are just full of the same Suicide Silence and Bring Me The Horizon stuff you've heard a million times. I suggest starting with this kid's 8-part "Brutal Deathcore Breakdowns" series and taking it from there!

I don't get up on my high horse and complain about posers very often, so please indulge me in this post. I know sometimes our readers and I have our differences, but I hope we can at least come together on the fact that Here Comes The Kraken are fucking complete bullshit and Kids These Days are totally fucked for making shit like that popular. I'm done talking, I'm ready for action. Let's make some yo-yo's and start a fucking firestorm to purify the scene.
I don't know anything about deathcore, so my mind was completely blown away when I watched the new Despised Icon video ("Day of Mourning", I think). The video contained boobage, 40 oz pouring, slamz, and two unapologetic wiggers, one of which was wearing a shirt that read, "Deez Nutz".
ReplyDeleteAbnegation, unruh and hemdale i can dig, and that but since when did breakdowns have to sound like shitty meshuggah riffs.
ReplyDeleteThat last picture is clearly the poser copped for yourscenesucks.com
though saying that they all look alike. I bet dead just died a little more after that picture.
I'd love to drop the sissy and his dropdead clothing in the middle of Iraq. He'd only end up a billionaire from all the gay raghead love he'd get though. Those fucks would fall in love with his hairless little ass.
ReplyDelete"Death to the infidel!!!"
"Wait a sec Abdul, he's just too dreamy to behead."
"I was so hard up for blasts I would even stoop to listening to the occasional Rot or Anarchus 7"- that's the grindcore equivalent of a junkie shooting up in their dick because all the veins in their arms are collapsed."
ReplyDeleteI LOL'D. SO HARD.
and apparently, unbeknownst to me until i listened to the song in this post, i used to be in a band that sounded very similar to abnegation (but not as good).
Surprised the original and best, Animosity didn't get some props, but loved the post as always
ReplyDeleteIf those kids aren't from some shitty town in Northern Michigan, I can't imagine where they crawled from.
ReplyDeleteThanks for noticing, I thought that was one of my better lines if I may be so bold! Rot were truly bottom-feeder shit.
my mind was completely blown away when I watched the new Despised Icon video
Yes haha!! So funny! Here's the newest "Garbage Day" from Something Awful in which MI makes a guest appearance we we discuss that video, among other things:
Oh, and good call on Animosity- I do like them, but not quite as much as Demolisher or ABACABB. They def deserve credit for being ahead of the curve, too!
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the title would be 99,99% worthless shit... (the 0,01% includes friends doing decent stuff, i can't call that shit by respect for them)
ReplyDeleteYeah, this stuff sucks. No shit. What I'd like to know is why you guys give this trash so much of your time? Why not just rent bill board space out for Deathcore and Wiggerslam bands while your at it. Couldn't you write about some cool bands instead? I used to like reading this page but ya'll seem to be in love with posting shitting videos, lame pictures and making catty comments about good bands. Shape up, please.
ReplyDeleteFunny I see this HateBreed add on your site yet you hating on deathcore seems a little strange. Since HateBreed and bands of that style brought in that jock hardcore, backwards hat, style of bonehead metal to life. I don't really have a pony in this race but, it i kind of feel that a lot of deathcore bands you are writing about share similar thread this the lame 25 to life style metal. One thing i can say about the larger names in the deathcore scene is that they have far more interesting bits in the their music then.. ... HATE BREED.
ReplyDeletei dont know what hardcore has to do with this stupid shit,hardcore is punk
ReplyDeletethis shit is stupid glam metal kids
what that has to do with hardcore beats me
shits fucking stupid,they look like idiots with that stupid sissy smeared across the forehead haircut and boy george-ass lip rings
Between his New Era hat (at a jaunty angle, of course) and the surprisingly legit slamz at :45, this video is very relevant to my interests!
And the Hideous Mangleus reference made this post very relevant to my interests.
PS Suffokate is by far the worst of this deathcore shite. They bank on their "street cred" so hard that they titled their debut album Oakland. Because, like, they're from Oakland. And apparently they weren't aware that there was some other band called SUFFOCATION. Who for some reason DIDN'T title their debut album Long Island.
wow Sarge, it looks like you stirred up some trouble amongst the deathcore lovers...
ReplyDeletegreat piece. funny as always. BTW, i hate 100% of this shit and Reversal of Man (Florida) was already taken. You should know that.
In addition, the cover of said album shows what appears to be a depiction of the Tribune Tower, an edifice located in what is by far the most affluent, yuppified, Starbucks-having quadrant of downtown Oakland. Which is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteReversal of Man (Florida) was already taken. You should know that
ReplyDeleteHa, yeah that was the joke! I used to write letters with those guys in like 1995. The other name I used (Tales of Destiny) is a Playstation RPG, and Plague of Winds, well, that reference is obvious.
i kind of feel that a lot of deathcore bands you are writing about share similar thread this the lame 25 to life style metal
Yes, exactly. I love 25 Ta Life-style hardcore, so that's why I also love Demolisher.
Since I'm a really old, old fart, to me "Deathcore" is still a shitty grindcore band from Germany. And yes, this shit stinks, but it's not stinkier than Arch Enemy!
ReplyDelete"A typical deathcore band, probably called something like Tales of Destiny, Reversal of Man, or Plague of Winds. They are most likely signing with Sumerian or Victory this fall"
ReplyDeleteRelly... you gotta throw Reversal of Man into that?.. that one stung Sarge.
Awww man, I love all these bands! Why you have to feed the metal dudes who hate on anything that happened after '94. Although its always fun to see how everyone gets all angry about gauged lobes and xbreakdownsx
ReplyDeleteStill awesome post as always, funny as hell, keep up the sick work :)
You should have put some Attila in there, that would make people really rage!
i'd rather listen to BMTH over Winds of Plague any day. i was told WOP don't even write their own music. and that they hire people to write their shit for them.
ReplyDeletemonsters, man! whew, what stuff! it's a real testament to their musical chops when their breakdowns even surprise their singer. also, singing "born in the sickness, born with this life!" is almost like going out to marshalls and buying a pair of double-waisted ready-to-sag pants with imitation hilfiger boxers.
ReplyDelete"repentagram" reminds me of the song jesus hitler by Carnivore.
ReplyDelete"swear to the holy swazafix"
@ Al Miller
Excellent! MI finally did a post on my favorite whipping boys, the entire genre of deathcore! Great as usual, ya'll!
ReplyDeletewhen I want reviews of bad music, I suckle at the teats of Sargeant D and Lucho
ReplyDelete*sniff* I just just got a little teary, thanks!!
And now for something completely different. The Despised Icon video has vomiting animals ala Monty Python cartoons. So that's kinda neat, right?
ReplyDeleteAll I know is this:
ReplyDelete1. "Furtive Monologue" doesn't fucking mean anything, at least not in English
2. That song is sweet as fuck, especially the slam parts.
All the bands you mentioned are pretty much unlistenable accept of disfiguring the goddess. The thing that annoys me most is that bands like Oceano, Job for A Cowboy & Despised Icon are the biggest cheaters in the drum department. The drums on their recording sound so fake its ridiculous, matter of fact the drum sounds are all the same
ReplyDeleteBethlehem were correct.
I put out the Abnegation/Chapter 7". Is this all my fault? No, I think it would have happened anyway.
ReplyDeleteHa! Dude that record was fucking sick, I still listen to it pretty often. Without a doubt one of the best releases of the 90s, nice work!!
Deathcore's motto should be "Deathcore: At Least We Aren't Life of Agony"
ReplyDeleteoh and that Repentagram thing is the most hilarious shit I've seen all day
Can you guys imagine if deathcore never happened and there was Life of Agonycore instead? Hard Core bands who were influenced by LoA instead of death metal, wearing one-size-too-small basketball shorts and stomping about on stage yelling about mean moms or whatever?
ReplyDeleteoh jesus christ... thank GOD for deathcore and god bless the fashion kids
How can you talk shit on Annotations of an Autopsy and then talk about how sweet gang vocals are??? Have you ever heard Sludge City??? SICKEST GANG VOX EVER.
ReplyDeleteI love that the repentagram is just a pentagram superimposed over a slightly altered enneagram. Isn't 9(points on the repentagram) important in satanic numerology?
ReplyDelete@ DirtyCrustyUgly
ReplyDeletethey don't cheat man, thats just the current style of drum recording, pretty much everyone does it like that these days. I've seen all those bands live cept Oceano, and trust me, they can pull it off.
@ Anonymous
AOAA have some sick gang vox!
"She bled, from every fucking hole!!"
The Abnegation LP was recorded in two sessions. I was present for the worse of the two. The engineer had to show them how to properly play their own riffs, and they brought no amps, just drums and guitars. The last time I saw Chris Leonard he was being arrested in Syracuse for fighting with a homeless man, highlight being him shouting "Come on, white nigger! WOOOOO!!" Like Rick Flair and then punching the guy.
ReplyDeleteMike Cheese stabbed some people, right? He didn't fuck around.
Hahahaha yeah Chris Leonard was a real winner. As I recall he had a swastika tattoo on his shoulder or something?? They asked me to play guitar in that version of Abnegation in late 96/early 97, and I totally would have except I didn't have a car and couldn't make it to Erie very easily. Probably for the best, although it would have been really funny!
ReplyDeleteRe: Mike Cheese, there were all kinds of rumors about that guy, the stabbing thing being one of them. I'm sure he started half of them because he thought it would be funny. I have no idea that particular one is true or not.
ReplyDeletethis bro seems pretty chill...
ReplyDeletelol great blog, got here through somethingawful.com..btw that little dude on the left in "jerome" reminds me of my self at age 12 haha..its like i want to punch him and pity him at the same time, i'm totally confused about it.
ReplyDeleteoh and I have to admit i like two deathcore songs.."entombment of a machine" by job for a cowboy..and carnifex - winter in remorse..
but yeah this genre is usually horrible.
You know what? This site is bullhit. You constantly rag on new,innovative music that brings people together,and instead you praise this Death Metal garbage.
ReplyDeleteNu-Metal was one of the greatest things to ever happen to Rock. Nu-Metal bands were exciting,fresh,and fun. Bands like Linkin Park and Chevelle brought a new dimension to Metal,and in doing so gave it a sense of creativity- isnt THAT what music is about? Being creative and not just making some noise just because someone else did the same noise first?
Have you noticed that when Death Metal and that kind of stuff is popular all other kinds of music sucks? It wasnt popular in the late 90s and early 00's and look at what a refreshing,creative time that was for heavy music.
Its so full of rules and male dominated dogma that everything else around it gets stale. When it goes away creativity abounds.
Having style and dressing cool while you play music ALOT of other people want to hear is better than pretending youre some evil warrior in leather,you know?
Dude above me does some good trollin'.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, the ironic current bad music posts are getting really old. Either write about good shit (new or old) or mix up the bad bands. This slam shit is getting way played out.
ReplyDeleteHey now, I like Rot. Of course I also like shooting heroin in my penis so....
ReplyDeleteWhat was I sayin'?
Oh yeah, I can't believe you did a whole post on deathcore without giving Darkest Hour any props at all. Those dudes were ripping off At The Gates long before these new kids were. I used to see those dudes all the time (though the current, successful lineup is pretty much entirely different except for the singer with the rapist glasses).
To tie this all together like a good Seinfeld episode, I one had to sit through Darkest Hour AND Reversal of Man in order to see Assuck at a show in '97. Totally worth it, but man...
none of this shit is funny anymore.. yeah we get it- deathcore is stupd,wigger slam yadda yadda,crunkcore blah blah- this shit isnt even funny anymore and this blog is getting boring as hell. i used to check it everyday,i even had it bookmarked on my cellphone. but now,i just keep coming to stupid metalcore and wigger shit. you said it already a billion times. the only reason im writing this is because before you started all this wigger/metalcore/crunk nonsense,this was one funnyass blog that i used to like.
ReplyDeleteDude I hear you. I wish that Skullkrusher, Awakening, and GHB would post more often because I'm sure you guys get sick of hearing about new bands. There is only so much I have to say about old bands, though, and when it comes to current metal I basically only listen to metalcore and slam. They still listen to old shit on the regular so I feel like their presence would be welcome.
ReplyDeleteRe: nu-metal, if you read this site a while ago you would know that I like nu-metal. For example I was hyping Crazy Town for quite a while there. Yes I know you are trolling, what I'm pointing out is that it's a failed troll because I have praised nu-metal in the past.
Sorry if you are all bummed that "we changed it now it sucks."
sweet, i was missing big chocolate.
ReplyDeletewow this is SO FUCKING TRUE!! im 15, and alot of my friends are 'hardcore' scenesters, ive never been more glad im not like them.
ReplyDeletebut i do think whitechapel is worth listening to (posession, and father of lies) - every now and then ...
Sorry, I'm too busy getting out the first Dark Throne album to cleanse my ears to comment.
ReplyDeleteyo your a fucking faggot, u judge ppl based on their looks go fuck yerself there are a lotta dop daethcore badns which actuatlly relate very closely to death metal like whtiechapel all shall perish despised icon the red chord oceano...
ReplyDeleteur just a dum hater who only looks at gay maisnteam bands liek bmth who arent deathcore anymore and who give/gave it a bad name.
English, muthafucka: Do you speak it?
Deletelol you're a dumb faggot why even waste time writing a blog? DTG can't even write music
ReplyDeleteYou made clear statements about the deathcore subgenre. The only thing is, you made every kid out in one of these bands seam to be a poser/scene kid. Not everyone is like that, I live in a city where I know all these kids, and they aren't as fortunate as you make them out to be. Deathcore music is MUSIC none-the-less and there is no right for you to bash on a whole culture of people who enjoy it. It isn't for the looks, the "being noticed" or anything like that, it's for what we enjoy. And not every single seathcore fan likes the same bands. And I don't see you coming up with any music that millions of people appreciate. So with that, I leave you a big fuck off, because without criticism, where's the love?
ReplyDeleteYour missing out on a lot of really good deathcore bands, sure there are tons of shit ones obviously bmth shouldnt even count seeing how their newest one is fucked and there lyrics make me wanna blow my brains out. BUT! i complete disagree with oceano who isnt boring whatsoever and lyrics are fucking tight. To be so creative is talent. Maybe the riffs are a bit repetitive but the lyrics certainly make up for it and if your into the genre obviously youd like it. LISTEN TO NEW ANIMA and DONT TALK SHIT. After the burial. And Hell Followed With, your forgetting Through the eyes of the dead FUCK YOU new annotations is worth listening too. CHELSEA GRIN. Cross the lips of Grace. The Faceless. King Conquer. 80000 dead. The Modern Age Slavery. Orphans in Coma. Impartial Dismemberment. Those who lie beneath. With Chaos in Her Wake Fit for an Autopsy. First if you cant see the variety in each of those bands then get your ears checked and if you dont read the lyrics with this music then your a fucking iddiot for judging it. Dont choose the worst bands in deathcore and complain or else your nothing but a stubborn fuck. Plus not everyone who listens to deathcore stays with deathcore its about varitey. IIIIIIEEE i listen to death metal,black metal,grindcore, and slam. IF ITS HEAVY AND IT SOUNDS GOOD I LIKE IT SO STOP BEING A FUCKING PUNK BITCH BECAUSE YOU DONT TRUELY LIKE METAL IF YOU CANT RESPECT ALL GENRES
ReplyDeleteI have one last thing to say sergeant D
ReplyDeletei think its hilarious that you listen to metalcore
and rip on deathcore because metalcore is fucking annoying so AHHAHA fuck you, you listen to bullshit and spend all your time ripping on the good stuff. WHAT A LIFE hope you enjoy it as a fagget blogger who really knows nothing about music
btw i dont listen to deathcore because im a emo bitch or have something to proof. To let you know im just a normal guy who likes to feel like a killer but obviously you dont get that mentality because your too busy judging people
ill see you in fucking hell bitch
Some of guys who are commenting are butt hurt because you probably play in some of these bands. Have any one of you guys even heard Storm of the Lights Bane or Bowels of Repugnance? Hahaha. It's funny. I'm only 20 and I agree with Sarge D to the max. I've only seen these gym shorts, jersey wearing kids in the last 2-3 years. I watched Despised Icon back when they were wearing all this coregear...and actually got props from them for wearing my Devourment sweater. I grew up listening to metal very much the same way he did with an addition for blast beats and groovy break downs. I think the whole premise of the article is to show how the deathcore "genre" is more like a poison for death metal and everything it originally stood for...and if a lot of these bands dropped dead now it would be a good thing because a lot of the decent worth mentioning bands don't give the credit they deserve.
ReplyDeleteokay so, everyones got something to say cause we can all hide behind the wall of cyperspace. music is about listening and enjoying the way it sounds. deathcore does kinda suck nowadays. but there are good bands out there. if you really like the music, then you should be willing to search and find out what YOU really like. who gives two shits what everyone else says. despised icon ripped it up, did their thing and now they're done. thats how this genre works. put out some fuckin dirty shit that makes us wanna beat everyone up, and then break up. and sarge D def knows what he's talking about. i wish i was around to see "the evolution of music" if you will. if everyones gonna bitch about "how much deathcore sucks" and whatnot, then go pick up a guitar and make up something thats never been heard before. lemme kno how that goes for you... its all about ignorance. anyone can say shit about how bad a band is, but unless you know how to play an instrument yourself, dont fuckin say a word! figured id just throw this in here but, the tony danza tapdance extravaganza and ion dissonance is what ive been reppin' lately. and sarge D, abacabb and demolisher really do fuckin kill it. oh yea, and breakdowns fuckin rule. i dont need an excuse to hit people, but i'll sure as hell take it :-) my main point is... listen to whatever you want, but as soon as you start bashing other people for what they like, thats when youre gonna get hit. so KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
ReplyDeleteI don t really consider the faceless deathcore there influence likes closer to necrophagist. imo
ReplyDeleteSorry, buy your post are so tendencious at all. Sounds like if anything you don't like is shit.
ReplyDeleteI love that he makes fun of Jerome for having shitty lyrics, because Jerome are from around where i live and they made that band as a joke, the lyrics are intentionally over the top brutal and stupid. the screamer doesnt even listen to metal he listens to old school rap, him and his friends make that band to play shows for shits and giggles and stir up some pits. PUNKED
ReplyDeletedeathcore is shit, all the emo and christian bitches should be listening pop, emo or christian music has nothing to do with metal, or rock.
ReplyDeletedude.... you're such a fag haha you lie so much hahahaha you never had a chance to play guitar or do vox or anything for any of those bands. grow up get a life and quit hating on music. people have diff opinions and i bet you havent even heard of cannonball! haha dumbass. you fucking fail at everything in life. thanks bye!
ReplyDeleteFuck "metal"core and fuck deathcore.
ReplyDeleteDie in a fire, posers. And stop bastardizing true Metal.
You sure know a shit ton more than me about deathcore and I actually like the genre
ReplyDeleteyou are an ignorant asshole things change its called a part of life you dick, and all the stuff you are saying is your shitty opinion. okay so that being said keep all your dumb "theories" to yourself
ReplyDeleteyour just mad because your shitty old metal isn't popular anymore. i appreciate old school metal just like i appreciate our first American ancestors, but its not like we live the same way they did. Theres a new style of music, so what get over it.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your post and actually linked to it from one I just wrote. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteFucking hate these wigger fags!
ReplyDeleteThis so called deathcore has nothing to do with hardcore, hardcore is Black Flag, Minor Threat, Bad Brains ,not some bullshit like Hatebreed, Biohazard or "numetal" and "metalcore" shite!
Hail true metal!
Bathory, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Sodom, Destruction, Kreator, Slayer, Venom, Darkthrone, Hate Forest, Burzum, Ildjarn, Musta Surma.........
Haha, I listen to TRV Death Metal and I'm the only way to go- face it- new Deicide sucks balls- playin' fast doesn't mean heavy nor' brutal. Cryptopsy kinda' explored the whole deathcore genre way back then on their "None So Vile" album so don't get pig headed. They were the ones who had the opened structure or kinda' moshy/breaky tunes on that CD- don't deny it- it was something new and fresh and it really stood out from other stuff at that time. Not every deathcore band is crap- for instance- judging Despised Icon by their looks is ridiculous- they've got some decent songs really hard to play- I bet the author of this text would shit himself rather than played "In the Arms of Perdition". So don't get to cocky about Your so called "the-only-TRV-way-to go" musical taste. And yes, I play an instrument and learning Death's Spirit Crusher was much easier than "Day of Mourning" or "In the Arms of Perdition"- Your judging the book by it's cover- so You're acting like a child or just upset that TRV Deicide bands sound just gay in their standard E or C tuning compared to A or G and more complex/opened structure of many deathcore songs- so go to Your room and listen to some TRV Burzum/Deicide vacuum cleaner riffing with an inverted cross on Your ass and kill Yourself at the age od 33- that is so fucking brutal and TRV :n.
ReplyDeletehaha have to agree with here comes the kraken ,,, the realy realy realy suck ass and kiss bring me the horizons bald ass wet to fuck him and i think that winds of plageus do rape my ears and gave me a eargasm
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ReplyDeleteWhat's sad is that deathcore has become reatardedly popular. The way I see it, deathcore is a bunch of brosy assholes thinking they're metal for wearing an instrument and banging on it as hard and fast as they can. At this point, I really don't know if it's better or worse than nu-metal, but I -DO- know that Dio would spit on it
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Deathcore isn't scene. Despised icon created deathcore and they didn't have techno beats, Autotune and shit and they looked like a hardcore band (madball) or a classic metalcore band (hatebreed). Scene music is Brokencyde, dot dot curve or breathe Carolina. Looks don't count. And BMTH don't look scene they look emo. It's not like from first to last look just like Brokencyde. It's not like Whitechapel, despised icon, Emmure or carnifex are scene and Emmure look like wiggers.
ReplyDeleteDeathcore=Whitechapel and despised icon
Hardcore=black flag, agnostic front, bad brains or bands like comeback kid or madball
Scene=Brokencyde and 3!oh3
Emo=Hawthorne heights, matchbook romance and the get up kids
Like your amazing post . thanks .
ReplyDeletedeathcore is the worst shit ever