I designed this shirt for our friends at
Metal Sucks. They asked me to post a link on here so they would sell more. Apparently it's currently the 2nd best-selling design, please buy one because we want to be number fucking one! And don't worry, they know they're selling to fans of a metal blog, so it comes in XL.
Click here to buyPeep my Flickr for more of my workThey have some other designs that aren't as cool, so if you don't like mine you can settle for one of these:

Best of luck to our favorite metal Jewbags! Help out our Semite internet metal bros and buy one of each!
definitely file metalsucks under "stuff you will hate".
ReplyDeleteYeah yeah, all of you hate everything, I get it.
ReplyDeleteLove the shirt design, but unfortunately, Metalsucks indeed sucks, so I won't buy one.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for MI yo-yos, but my patience is wearing thin.
Metalsucks really sucks. Your t-shirt designs are pretty nice, though. Although this one isn't exactly your best.
ReplyDeletethat really is the gheyest thing I've seen in ages. not because 'metal' is some sacred cow to me, but because it is not funny, not witty and just all around cringe-inducing. better luck with a different idea of what is witty, funny and 'hip' ;(
ReplyDeleteSgt D. you're pretty right. Hate is rearing his ugly head on MI, and that's not right. This is a place where "metal" and "irony" aren't an oxymoron, as every other place on the web.
ReplyDeleteBlabbermouth is for haters (and rednecks), MI is for positive, genuine weirdos.
As for me, the only thing I really hate is Sgt. D. passion for PANTERA! ;-)
because where people have irony nothing is allowed to suck right? wow. what's next? 'only open your mouth when you have something nice to say'? or better yet: let's insist that the comments section must follow the template of the 'my comment has to be funnier/more ironic/more positive than the previous one'-contest! but good to know that we'll be able to blame this post on those token 'redneck haters' too.
ReplyDeleteChill out, my only complaint is that metalheads took theirselves too seriously, and often start riots for stupid reasons. On blabbermouth, as an example, there's a really disturbing lack of respect among posters.
I meant TAKE theirselves
ReplyDeleteIt's just real de-motivating when EVERYTHING I POST is a lightning rod for haters. We don't make money off of this so if all we get is negative feedback there's not much in it for us ya know?
ReplyDeleteAt this point I'm not sure what you all DON'T hate. Whether I post about old metal bands, new hardcore bands, or anything in between, it's nothing but hate. I don't get it. Sucks.
let's insist that the comments section must follow the template of the 'my comment has to be funnier/more ironic/more positive than the previous one'-contest!
ReplyDeleteI've never once deleted a comment and I understand that it's the internet so I expect haters. But if you enjoy the blog (and maybe you don't), please consider that it is nice when we get positive feedback. Too many haters = no more posts, you know?
Sergeant D-
ReplyDeleteWhile I appreciate that you don't thrive on negative feedback, I have to find it a tad hypocritical to complain about haters when the basis of the humor of Metal Inquisition is being critical of aspects of metal, such as making fun of Manowar's palatial housing, Rob Flynn's fashion sense and a love of Nuclear Death.
I do enjoy the blog, otherwise I wouldn't bother commenting. So, please don't take your ball and go home.
OK, so make fun of me for something substantial (it's REAL EASY), but don't just hate. That's boring, cheap, and not entertaining. Trust me, if you can tear me a new one for something good, I will laugh right along with you. But "u sukk hatebreed sux hardcore is gay" is not what I want to spend my precious little free time on.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm asking for is entertainment. Whether that comes at the expense of me or Robb Flynn doesn't matter to me- and god knows I'm an easy target- just please entertain me. Plain old hating is entry-level shit that belongs on Gamefaqs, not here. If that's all you've got, go the fuck home, you're boring. Make me hurt or shut up.
ReplyDelete"old metal bands"
ReplyDeleteyour last post about old metal bands (the forced entry & cannibal corpse posts) were great.
"new hardcore bands"
these posts are great and hilarious when the bands featured in the post are fucking miserable garbage, which they usually are.
the following has been said countless times, in more or less words: it's no mystery why people get pissed at a blogger who posts on a blog called "metal inquisition", infrequently posts about metal, and frequently mocks metal when he does.
whatever. will continue reading either way.
OK, I just finished reading through the archives of M.I. It took me a month or so and towards the end I started getting a feeling of sadness I wouldn't be able to read 7 or 8 new posts a night, but I figured at least I'd have fun checking it regularly.
ReplyDeleteImagine how bummed out I was to see the increased hostility of all the commenters over the last few months of posts. There was always healthy debate in the comments but shit's just been getting spiteful recently. I know this is the internet and you have no obligation to be nice, but kicking a dude when he's down is pretty harsh. Dudes, start your own blogs if you hate this one so much! I'm also sad that Lucho, Sgt D and everyone who posts here seems to be getting less and less into posting, with many posts being a lot shorter than in the past, but who can blame them when everything they write is met with general 'C+, you guys used to be better, DO THE OLD SHIT' complaining?
All y'all need to stop hating, and start participating.
Although, I think Sgt D's shirts from Stuff You Will Hate are way more awesome, if you haven't seen the 'Crunks Not Dead' design you have to check it out. I'd wear that, I probably wouldn't wear this. Still pretty cool.
MetalInquisition guys, don't stop the blog! I, for one, still enjoy reading it.
metal doesnt suck it rules
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge, I know what you mean, sorry I had to say in the previous post that Hatebreed sucks, but that's the way I feel (same as Desultory puts you to sleep and for me is one of the best death metal bands), but the post was worth reading for sure. It doesn't matter if you are talking shit about a band I like or talking great about a band I despise. Keep doing what you are doing, I take it for what it is, free entertainment, and good one at that! The thing that makes me feel sad is that now we (the readers) have to wait more and more for new posts, since all your mates left you alone writing. It'd be nice if Lucho comes back (it'd be nice if all come back, but that's too much to ask I think, since the rest stopped posting long time ago, at least in a frequent way). Still it's understandable. If I had to write for a blog, I'd be updating it even more sporadically, so I can't bitch.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, since when the Jewish star is metal??? I'm kind of confused by that Metal Sucks t-shirt.
"And don't worry, they know they're selling to fans of a metal blog, so it comes in XL." Gave me a good laugh. Made it worth turning on my computer today.
ReplyDeleteMI posts weren't always so long.
Also, the post about Hatebreed made me go check out their new stuff. Not impressed, but props for pointing out the mosh platforms.
It's the age-old showbiz conundrum, Sarge. Do something everyone likes and next thing you know everyone expects you to top it. Fail to do so even once and it's all, "you suck you no-talent POS, do more Manowar & wigger slam posts".
ReplyDeletePlus you of course realize that a solid 50% (a generous estimate) of so-called "metal fans" think "irony" is the name of the latest Maiden box set. Attempting to be humorous or satirical will only confuse and anger those who take it and themselves way too seriously.
To those who bring nothing but negativity to the table: put your money where your mouth is, author a guest post or start your own blog if you think you can do better. If it's good enough, the MI guys will post it or link to it. Let's see what you have aside from, "that sucks and you're gay".
this shirt is awesome.
ReplyDelete$22 is a bit steep though.
Let's see what you have aside from, "that sucks and you're gay".
ReplyDeleteExactly. Please, make me hurt. It's not that hard. At ALL. I just got my SECOND HATEBREED TATTOO for fuck's sake.
I find that anything on metal sites which isn't feet worshiping some outdated thrash/death metal band who peaked sometime in the early nineties, or the old "why deathcore/young people suck" article, which has been rewritten about a thousand times throughout the blogsphere, will generally attract haters who just want you to retroview some shitty old band like morbid angel, and make the same jokes about david vincent being fat, then complain about some bands rad hairstyle.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of MI, I think you've actually almost run out of old bands to rip on without treading water. Nocturnus are only funny the first few times reading the lyrics to enter the droids.
I, and I know many others, welcome posts on shit from our generation!
keep this shit up, i don't want my second favorite (after SYWH) blog to go under!
I would pay good money for a nice Hatebreed sucks balls instead.
ReplyDeleteone 'hater' reporting back: I simply don't think that the shirts are funny. I really don't think I need to explain why the humor is lame to me (I guess I could if you really want to hear it). they are also not aesthetically pleasing to me, something I could also try to explain. I guess it has a lot to do with our different perceptions of contemporary teen-kitsch-genres: I hate it, you seem to love it (yes, 'non-ironically').
ReplyDeletejust don't get me wrong, I think this blog has shitloads of potential and lots of times you write stuff that is genuinely funny to me, regardless of generation, obscurity, trueness-level etc. also don't get discouraged, you know lots of metalfans are grumpy reactionaries. and a couple of people writing some negative feedback doesn't mean that everybody 'hates' you now. this was probably worse than some over the top hate comment or a random I HEART MI..
When are we getting MI man thongs and sweat pants?
ReplyDeleteSarge, I'm not trying to be a kiss-ass, but don't let all the negative feedback get to you. I love your writing, because even when you post about something I hate with a passion (i.e. screamo crunk), you still make it entertaining and fun to read. Hell, your writing style has bled into my own writing, to the point where I'll look over a post and think "I need to tone this down, I'm ripping off the Sarge way too much." This is my favorite metal blog, and I'd hate to see it go, you know what I'm saying?
ReplyDeleteIt's been three days since you posted this, so I don't know if you'll read this, but if you do, I just want you to know that not everyone's a hater.
At this point I'm not sure what you all DON'T hate. Whether I post about old metal bands, new hardcore bands, or anything in between, it's nothing but hate. I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the content, Sarge, it's the author. You seem to not sit too well with certain people, so their reaction's gonna be automatic hate even if they got a boatload of pussy for every word you wrote. But that's the price you have to pay for your shtick.
And as for depending on feedback, that's what you get when you let yourself get pampered or try to be everybody's bitch. Whatever happened to the good ole days, when you guys just kept churning out whatever the fuck you wanted, regardless of the comments (or lack thereof, to be precise)? Keep that spirit alive, bitches, fuck everything else. We're here for you, not vice versa.
I dig the shirt, although I'd like it more if "even" was changed to "especially". But, in the interest of honesty, I can see how the MS website might irritate some people. A few of the posters there are cool, funny guys; however they have a few writers who tend towards pretentiousness and sniffing their own asses a little too much. That's refreshingly absent here, which is why I prefer MI.
ReplyDeleteJust keep doing what you do, you've established your credibility and regular readers expect you to occasionally go off the deep end and annoy everyone with, for example, a Brokencyde post. No biggie. It's funny.
Metal Sucks doesn't even link back to MI, this shows you what kind of bros they are.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, critique of the topic does not equal critique of your person, Sarge. I enjoy all of your posts. Of course I would prefer to read about a topic I am more interested in (80s thrash, horrible cover art), but hey, you can´t have it all.
If there really are idiots that don´t approve of an article because it is written by you, well, they can go back to Metalsucks and call each other fags in the comments. Good riddance! (Maybe your style is a bit hard to get for 15 year old "satanists".Someone else here wrote that 50% of metalheads don´t get irony,a very generous estimate IMO, I bet the percentage is higher.)
Separated at birth, and unexpected musical changes are among my favorite topics!
ReplyDeleteI have an interview with Jim Gillette from Nitro coming up. We'll see what happens after that. If anyone wants to contribute either on a guest or regular basis, let me know!
ReplyDeleteMake already a new post u fagit
ReplyDeletealso im drunk
wouldn't wear those shirts just because i am not the type to advertise a blog like that.
ReplyDeletehowever, i like all the designs enough.
Sarge, did those TUI designs you did ever get put up for sale? that band is so fuckin good. stay cold, bro!
well I like the design, but won't buy one, cause I'd be paying taxes to the 'merican government. And those war-mongering bastards don't get one € out of me. Tadah..
ReplyDeleteLOL @ you, no taxes on e-commerce yet you pinko fuckhole
ReplyDeleteMetalSucks.net kills my brain cells, and has turned into a hipster lufa spoonge bathing fest. There's actually one chick over there who listens to Lady Fucking Gaga and Decapitated. THEY are talking about how cool it is to see the Melvins and Clutch on Bonnaroo. Pick your poison. I'd rather read this blog instead. Atleast you rip Robb Flynn a new asshole, and expose many interesting traits in the metal world. LOL idiots on that site would rather jerk off to the Mastoschlong records.
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