If you don't like Hatebreed, you're not my friend. It's as simple as that. And I know who my real friends are: my bros from Vile Gash, Weedsteeler and Homage Clothing who made the trek with me to catch the Hatebreed/Cannibal Corpse show a few weeks ago. If you're too boring and old to go, here's what you missed.
Born of Osiris = sick pitt riffment 2k9, deathcore style
Sumeriancore & Typewriters
The openers, Born of Osiris and Hate Eternal, proved that innovations in death metal come from both young and old bands. First up were Sumeriancore pioneers BoO, who brought the fucking mosh as only Sumerian bands can, combining chops with sick pitt riffment that got the crowd warmed up in spectacular fashion.
Here is a video of some high school fatties covering Born of Osiris in their high school gym. When their "fans" start moshing at :47 you will want to vomit with vicarious embarrassment, then wish you could spray everybody under 21 in the face with AIDS
I can't say the same for Hate Eternal, though. When they started playing, I thought someone was playing a recording of a Mavis Beacon typing tutorial, the clicking and clacking coming at such a furious pace that I thought the space bar was going to break in half. Then I realized it was their bass drum and threw myself on a sword.
File under inane-statements-of-fact: "This next song is about shooting blood out of your cock, it's called 'I Cum Blood.'"
Careers in Death Metal
I'll be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to see Cannibal Corpse, but I should have been. They fucking slayed, especially when they played shit off "Tomb of the Mutilated." Hearing those songs live made me remember how that record blew me away when it came out, and also that when I was in 10th grade my mom said "Please don't play Cannibal Corpse or The Accused before dinner, they make me lose my appetite!"
I'm guessing the Cannibals are in their 40s by now, and I can't decide whether it's sad or awesome that they've made a career out of playing death metal. They're like the death metal version of the dad from the Wonder Years. When you ask them how their latest tour is going, they just grunt and say "Eh. Work's work," and go back to killing Night Elves.
I'll be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to see Cannibal Corpse, but I should have been. They fucking slayed, especially when they played shit off "Tomb of the Mutilated." Hearing those songs live made me remember how that record blew me away when it came out, and also that when I was in 10th grade my mom said "Please don't play Cannibal Corpse or The Accused before dinner, they make me lose my appetite!"
I'm sure you've seen this video of Corpsegrinder talking about his World of Warcraft guild or whatever, but if not, your life is incomplete!
I'm guessing the Cannibals are in their 40s by now, and I can't decide whether it's sad or awesome that they've made a career out of playing death metal. They're like the death metal version of the dad from the Wonder Years. When you ask them how their latest tour is going, they just grunt and say "Eh. Work's work," and go back to killing Night Elves.
"I don't need to be inspired by metal"
Many people talk a lot of shit about Hatebreed. Not that they need my support, but I need to say a few words about Hatebreed in general and their new album in particular. The most common memes among Hatebreed haters are "all their albums sound the same" and my personal favorite (from a Metal Sucks commenter) "I don't need to be inspired by metal."
If that's the case for you, congratulations. I'm happy for you. Unfortunately for me, I need all the help I can get. I won't lie: 2k9 has been the hardest, most painful year of my entire life by far and I've listened to Terror and Hatebreed pretty much nonstop. Sometimes your life falls apart and you need to have Jamey Jasta screaming at you that "This day is worth living." When you're as down as I've been this year, "Never succumb to the war you fight in your heart" is exactly what you need to hear. Laugh if you want, but I sincerely love Hatebreed because their songs mean a lot to me and have helped me through some seriously fucked up times just like Black Flag, Terror, and Cro-Mags do/did.
If that's the case for you, congratulations. I'm happy for you. Unfortunately for me, I need all the help I can get. I won't lie: 2k9 has been the hardest, most painful year of my entire life by far and I've listened to Terror and Hatebreed pretty much nonstop. Sometimes your life falls apart and you need to have Jamey Jasta screaming at you that "This day is worth living." When you're as down as I've been this year, "Never succumb to the war you fight in your heart" is exactly what you need to hear. Laugh if you want, but I sincerely love Hatebreed because their songs mean a lot to me and have helped me through some seriously fucked up times just like Black Flag, Terror, and Cro-Mags do/did.

"They changed it, now it sucks" & "They didn't change it, so it sucks"
Another common criticism among butthurt haters is that Hatebreed's albums all sound the same. First of all, that's not really true: the latest record, for example, is by far their most blatantly "metal" album, despite remaining 100% consistent with the Hatebreed sound. Second, what's so bad about that? As long as Jamey & crew keep coming up with new breakdowns and lyrics that keep me from sticking my head in the oven, I'll always be stoked on the band. And they're fucked either way: Whenever they do introduce something new such as the Crowbar-style clean vocals on the new album, the haters hate even more.
I don't give a fuck. All I know is that the new Hatebreed record has some of their hardest mosh parts to date and is arguably their best since "Perseverance," which is a nearly perfect album. If you like Hatebreed, you will like this record. If you don't, go listen to Xasthur while you beat off to noise CD-Rs and let me mosh with my bros.
One of the hardest fucking songs ever written. Amazing lyrics, insanely brutal and catchy riffs, and PERFECT video. If you think this is "cheesy" or "corny" your life has been too easy.
A la Carte Moshing, Irresponsible Breakdowns & Mosh Platforms
If you don't consider Hatebreed one of the best live bands of all time, you are a fool. Whether you like their music or not, you can't deny that they are a finely tuned mosh machine that knows how to get the party started like no other. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite parts of the show.
If you don't consider Hatebreed one of the best live bands of all time, you are a fool. Whether you like their music or not, you can't deny that they are a finely tuned mosh machine that knows how to get the party started like no other. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite parts of the show.
A la Carte Moshing: I didn't want to get all sweaty and get my leather seats all yucky, so I watched from the back of the venue and ran down to mosh it up for my favorite 3 or 4 songs (I think they were "As Diehard As They Come," "Perseverance" and "Proven"), then returned to the safety of the other old people by the bar.
Irresponsible Breakdowns: I hadn't heard any of the new songs live, and when I heard them play "Not My Master" and "Everybody Bleeds" I literally started laughing at how absurdly brutal the breakdowns were. If I was in Hatebreed and someone brought in a riff like, say, the meta-breakdown from "As Diehard As They Come" (listen to 1:30, holy fucking fuck) I think I would have to say something just to ease my conscience. "Dudes, remember that with great power comes great responsibility. We possess powers of mosh like nobody else on this planet, but we must use them wisely. I am afraid that riff is so fucking hard that people will die when we play it live. We can bring the mosh to the people for sure, but we may have their blood on our hands!!"
Mosh Platforms: Jamey had two little platforms that he would stand on, jump off of, etc. I'm guessing that he's eaten shit onstage before from standing on a monitor or whatever only to have it slide out from under his feet. They say necessity is the mother of invention, and I salute Jamey for his innovations in moshing!!
Buy the new Hatebreed album here
Follow Jamey on Twitter
Postscript: More X Breakdowns X 4 U
For more innovations in breakdowns, check out Illinois' Demolisher- so, so fucking brutal! I am doing my best to hype this band so please check them out!
Great read...
ReplyDeleteI especially liked your defense of HateBreed's music.
For some reason it made me think of the band Thoughts of Ionesco. The singer/guitarist pretty much drooled anger out every time I saw them play. Perfect music for tough times.
I've been unemployed for a while now and find that I've gravitated towards going to the gym and listening to old thrash metal.
speaking of moshing, does anyone know what the song "fist bangin' mania" refers to? I thought for a long time that fist banging was like wildly waving your fists in the moshpit, but now i hear that it means something sexual... say it ain't so.
ReplyDeleteThoughts of Ionesco were sick! Wasnt there a pre- or post-ToI band that was also real good??
ReplyDeleteI've seen Hatebreed live a couple of times now. Every time I plan on skipping them, cause no offence but their studio stuff is pretty boring to me, and then Jamey just gets up there and just fucking commands me to stay. Dude's an unbelievable frontman, just absolutely demands attention.
ReplyDeleteexcuse me, but THIS is the PERFECT music video
Sorry Sarge, too old to like that crap. I understand that they could be good in concert. I fell for that when I liked Biohazard in the 90s, but Biohazard was the last guilty pleasure. I think Hatebreed is the Biohazard of the 2000s. Their albums are fucking boring, since all the riffs are made to jump, which can be good for a concert, but boring as fuck to listen to in your stereo, specially when the songs are mid-paced. That's why Biohazard got worse and worse with time, because they forgot there were other speed besides mid-tempo. I could also add Pantera to this. I enjoyed them when I saw them in the Vulgar Display... tour, but one month after that I was sick of them and hate them ever since. That's when I realized that music that can be catchy the first time you listen to it can become your worst nightmare a month later, and started doing a better screening before buying albums.
ReplyDelete"Wait, Chuck Schuldiner was GAY?!"
Misfits, Hatebreed has been around since 95...
ReplyDeleteOh, and they have blast beats in a few songs
ReplyDeleteNot sure about a post ToI band. The singer was in a poppy band afterwards; not sure if there was something before that.
ReplyDeleteI was into hardcore stuff for a while. Was a fan of early Earth Crisis (Fire Storm is the shit), Jihad (local band), Deadguy, Puritan, 7000 Dying Rats, etc..
I've yet to come across anything I like nearly as much as the first couple Coalesce albums.
Michigan had a decent hardcore scene for a while, but when metal improved I lost track of what people are doing. That being said I think it's a good example of music as catharsis, and can be therapeutic/necessary during hard times.
I'm getting older, and a lot of my favorite heavy albums are now 20+ years old. I'm finding myself reverting back to the stuff I liked when I was 14 years old. Or stuff with that kind of energy. I really dig the new Saviours record.
I remember Jihad... on their side of the split with Ottawa you could hear the singer taking giant breaths before every line haha
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge, I know they started in the 90s, but still, they started after I was totally bored by tough guys hardcore bands, and I tend to associate all the late 90s and beginning of 2000 as a "new" sound. Anyway, it doesn't change how I feel about them. There's nothing I can do to change the fact that they really bored me, but I think I can extend that to almost all hardcore bands. I thought I'd love hardcore for the rest of my life when I got into it in the early 90s, but I grew out of it and don't enjoy it nowadays. Don't know why, but it happened. However, I still love Death Metal as much as I loved it when I discovered the genre.
ReplyDeleteDeath to false death metal
ReplyDeleteif you don't get a raging hard-on every time you heard a hatebreed breakdown you're playing for the wrong team!
ReplyDeleteHatebreed fucking sucks balls.
ReplyDeleteI can agree with pretty much everything in this article...Jasta is the best motivational speaker ever and he comes with mosh parts, what's not to like?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteexcuse me, but THIS is the PERFECT music video
whoa... no one has said anything about this yet?! Sarge, get on this!
Wowowowowow holy fuck that video is lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll city....... I don't even know what to do with it but I MUST FIGURE IT OUT
ReplyDelete"Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire" is the Hatebreed album for people who don't like Hatebreed's later stuff. Basically the same songs, but with more fast parts, and they're over in half or a third of the time. Brutal riffs and breakdowns that don't overstay their welcome.
ReplyDeleteI used to think your idolizing gay ass core bands was extreme sarcasm, but now i think youre actually serious, and i think im done here...
ReplyDeletei loved 'under the knife' and 'satisfaction... desire'. from what i remember, 'satisfaction... desire' was, lyrically, fairly negative (well, they def never impacted me positively, like, 'omg! h8breed saved my life!').but i havent listened in a minute...
ReplyDeleteive had a fucked up, hard 30yrs on this planet. this year hasnt been much different. substance abuse, broken homes, substance abuse, broken relationships, jail, substance abuse, massive debt/poverty, substance abuse, family tragedy, substance abuse; ad infinitum. as such, i can relate to regret-core (esp B4B).
but hatebreeds lyrics? srsly? 2nd rate, generic 'power of positive thinking' bs doesnt really do it for me. i like their earlier music a lot, and some of their later shit (hit & miss, imo, but the 'hit' is really good). but, to me, the 'you can do what you want! dont give up! all is not lost! go you!' lyrics are contrived, naive, and silly.
anyways, as long as it facilitates moshing w/ bros while wearing a stupid grin... why not?!?
mosh your face off!!!
I was a huge Hatebreed fan back in the mid to late 90's. I was floored at 15 when I saw them in 95. Then I saw them about 12 times between then and 1999. I stopped caring around 2000, and I tried to listen to Perseverance when it came out, but couldn't really get into it. I hadn't cared about Hatebreed for a long time, but I decided to hit this show up as well. Partially from your tweets. They played B-more the next day. Anyway it had been at least 10 years since I saw either CC or Hatebreed, and I had a great time.
ReplyDeleteI like to give Hatebreed's Jasta, Jamie the thumbs as often as possible. Hatebreed has attracted all the disillusioned Pantera fans. At least the ones that didnt sucked into crappy Nu-metal. Back in the 90's it was all basketball jerseys and windmills. now it is all fat dudes, long hair shaved underneath and push moshing. Anyway, it was shit ton of fun and I got drunk and got to see both bands tear it up.
the lead singer of HE looks like Vigo from Ghostbusters 2.
8-o-8 bass drops live is all i have to say
ReplyDeletethis shit slapped sooooo hard live browe!
martin weedsteeler....
I remember being at the bar one night, drunk and in a shitty mood, when some chick walked in with her arms completely sleeved with tattoos. Rather than try and be charming and get a chance at her big ol' titties, I decided I'd rather be a dick to her and make fun of her having all those tattoos (seriously, tattoos in general bum me out; tattoos on girls just pisses me off).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I don't remember what I said to her, but I'm sure it involved Miami Ink and Good Charlotte. So she stares at me for a second with this bummed-out by slowly getting angry look on her face, then proceeds to spit some Hatebreed lyrics in my face. Swear to God. I wish I could remember what she actually said, because it would make the story so much better, but let's just pretend she looked at me and said "In a cold unforgiving world--alone with fear and weakness, oppressed and dying slowly--countless people have been.... betrayed by life!!!!" I said "was that a Hatebreed song?" Her mouth gaped and she walked to a dark corner of the bar, as far away from me as possible.
Oh, and I agree with Sarge's assessment of Hatebreed 100%. Satisfaction... blew me away when I first heard it. Granted, I was in high school and I had never heard Carcass, but still... when you're going through your hardcore phase and all your friends are listening to Gorilla Biscuits and Chain of Strength, music with a little balls can be a breath of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteMike, do you by any chance know if that girl's tattoo said "driven by suffering"?? If so, I know her haha.
ReplyDeleteI was real into the Hatebreed 7"s. I actually think "Satisfaction" is their weakest release- still really great, but overall the least great. After listening to both Carcass and Gorilla Biscuits for many years, I felt like Hatebreed was the ideal combination of the two, if that makes any sense.
Vile Gash > Hatebreed.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'.
As expected, if I like something, absolutely everybody else hates it :P
ReplyDeletefor everybody bitching about the 2k hardcore: trapped under ice - skeleton heads
ReplyDeleteThat Born Of Osiris band is even worse than fucking Hatebreed-- so weak and shallow, no soul or rawness, might as well listen to techno-- a genre that it ultimately sounds closer to than it does to actual metal.
ReplyDeleteThat Cordier Street Beatdown video is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. I am glad to see that America is exporting at least one thing.
ReplyDeleteHatebreed has always felt like a guilty pleasure for me. I still find myself making wiggerish arm movements to the mosh parts on Perseverance. I'm with you Sarge.
Just saw Hatebreed/Cannibal/HateEternal on Monday night. It was fucking nice to hear good breakdowns and good fucking death metal in the same venue, my personal favorite concotion. As for Hatebreed, I've missed them the last few times but was not dissapointed by their live audio assault. They've been especially of great help, amongst others, through my 'Dark Season'...
ReplyDelete-An Older Gal
Throw your set for that weedsteeler/homage clothing/metal inquisition Clic!
ReplyDeleteCamp david for life!
Saludos Chato
P.S. Talking about cannibal corpse, just saw them last month with andy and it was siiiick
"Jamey's mosh platforms. I like to think of them as the hardcore version of The Liberator."
Great review.. Bummer we didn't catch the NYC one -- now I wish I had gone anyways..
Your blog posting is very good and theme base for which it is liking to every people.Thanks for all information about Hammer Smash Your Enemies: Hatebreed / Cannibal Corpse show review.
ReplyDeleteHatebreed REALLY sucks.
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Hatebreed was formed in 1994 in Bridgeport, Waterbury and New Haven. They began by recording a three song demo and selling it to locals.
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