Watching this video makes me realize how incredibly dumb David Vincent is. Remembering how I quoted parts of what he says in this video to kids in school as though these were my own thoughts makes makes me realize how incredibly dumb I was/am.
It's almost hard to believe that over the years Mr. Vincent could actually get dumber. I've heard of men doing crazy things for women....but turning into the unbelievable, rubber wearing douche that he has become is almost hard to fathom.

david vincent = lord of all douche bags
ReplyDeleteyou're right, i think the sadest part of the story is i also wanted to BE david vincent. i thought he was the coolest dude. god, im ashamed of my past. there's no way i could run for public office!
ReplyDelete"Mr Skullkrusher, did there come a time when you prayed to God Almighty that you would be JUST like Evil D? Tell the truth to the American people sir. America MUST know!"
ReplyDelete"It's very tough to admit to it, but I can't hide this secret any longer. I did want to wear leather pants with bedazzled upside-down crosses on them. I'm sorry to announce that I will no longer be running for office in order to protect my famaily from further embarassment. Thank you."
ReplyDeletei thought Henry Rollins poetry was the deepest shit ever when i was in high school... which is possibly worse.
ReplyDeleteon second thought, actually, idolizing david vincent is way worse.
He has pierced nipples. I wonder if they're often connected to a leash.
ReplyDeleteIt's always amusing to me when you get to hear someone be all calm-and-well-spoken-like about such silly topics like that.
ReplyDeleteAt least he wasn't all "boils down to" about it, though... gotta give him credit for that, ha, ha...
guys, i think "pornstar" spyder jonez (a.k.a. evan from biohazard) deserves a writeup too.
ReplyDeletewatching dave wear rubber ain't NOTHING compared to watching the flabby evan fighting to maintain an erection.
Can you guys just devote an entire month to posts regarding the Hard N' Heavy Grindcore Video Special? You've already done Nocturns, Morbid and Vengeance Rising, but there's still TONS more comedy gold to uploaded to YouTube!
ReplyDeleteWe all need to hear Sonic Violence talk about their former bass player who apparently was so brutal, that it took TWO bassists to recreate his sound after his departure!
Or maybe just a greatest hits reel of Jennifer and Grob.
oh there's more hard n' heavy grindcore stuff to come. hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying to hear Bolt Thrower's take on the history of human conflict, stuggle and war. I often think that members of BT should better have served humanity as social anthropologists.
ReplyDeleteexcept jo bench. she found her calling in life as a death metal sexpot.
ReplyDeleteDavid Vincent reminds me of David Brent in this clip. Hilarious.
ReplyDeletePeople don't say "sexpot" enough.
ReplyDeleteAs for David Vincent, I have always liked the man. He still rules and kicks any ass, even as a flabby rubber-coated cartoon character (as opposed to a bleached-blonde not-so-flabby leather-clad cartoon character.) It never ceases to amaze me how no matter how silly the subject and/or interviewer and/or situation, he's a stoic fuckin' brick at all times. He rules.
don't forget the infamous "davey davey stick thy head in gravy" incident in The Grimoire. he lost his cool that time.
ReplyDeleteIn 1987, I was 17 and living in Daytona Beach. Morbid Angel moved into a house 2 streets down from me. Feeble D was always an ass. One time I went to the beach w them and their roadie guy "Joe King" took a shit in the water. Dave dived thru a wave and came up with it on his face. Thats how I like to remember him. It also took 40+ pictures before he chose the one on the back of Altars. All the other members shots were taken live, his was taken on the back porch in a fake set after hours of primping.
ReplyDeleteIt also took 40+ pictures before he chose the one on the back of Altars. All the other members shots were taken live, his was taken on the back porch in a fake set after hours of primping.
ReplyDeleteThis made me delve into my vinyl collection. Wow... the other 39+ pics must have blown serious goats. Then again, I can see why he decided against a live shot given Dick and Pete's pics (could that tat BE any cheesier?).
My opinion of DV has plunged thanks to his banter before a couple of performances of the new MA song 'Nevermore'. Which isn't to say I ever thought too much of him. What exactly is with his 'a certain leader of the past whose name I shall not mention but whose spirit I embrace' comment in the BATS CD booklet?
David Vincent is a fool and quite a joke. The "Certain leader of the past" is none other that Mr. Hitler.
ReplyDeleteDavid loves to use 'big' words too sound intelligent, but he is really quite a dumbass.
lately he is trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, but when I last spoke to him he is still a goose who tries so har to proove his superior character
Ive heard and seen some better perspectives on who the "certain leader of the past" is. it aint hitler. Check this dudes explanation out:
In the beginning pearl hunting was the only means known for harvesting pearls. A little before the start of the 20th century divers manually pulled oysters from ocean floors and river bottoms and checked each one of them individually for pearls.